Although most BasicFEA operations are performed with the mouse, you must use the keyboard to enter new file or component names or title information. In addition, there are several keyboard hot keys that you can use to access the viewing functions available on the toolbars. The hot keys are the same as the letters on the menu. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate your model. The secondary menu uses various combinations of the function keys, SHIFT key and CTRL key to access panels.
Rotate by increments |
Incremental counterclockwise, clockwise and reverse view. |
+,- |
Zoom by increments. Note that "+" is actually shift = on the main keyboard, but simply + on the numeric keypad. |
A |
Arc rotate |
b |
Return to a previous view |
c |
Center |
<ctrl>+<r> |
(Spherical) Clipping panel |
d |
Display panel |
f |
Fill/fit model to window. |
g |
Global panel |
h |
Open the Help. When a panel is active, this opens help for that panel; from the main page menu, it opens the Help’s table of contents. |
m |
Turn off the menus and display only the graphics window. Press M again to bring the menus back. |
o |
Options panel |
p |
Plot/refresh |
r |
Rotate |
s |
Dynamically zooms in and out when you move the mouse up and down |
t |
True view |
<ctrl>+<t> |
Transparent Components panel |
v |
User View pop-up menu |
w |
Windows panel |
z |
Circle-zoom |