Create new beam, shell or pretension section from the Create Section dialog. Specify the following options and click Create to create the section card and return to the Section macro, or Create/Edit to create the section card and open the Card Image panel in HyperMesh to specify section properties.
Section Ref No |
Type a reference number for the section. If you do not specify a value, a number will be automatically provided that is one higher than the highest current section ID number. |
Section Name |
Type a name for the section. |
Section Type |
Select the type of section to create: Beam, Taper, Shell or Pretension. |
Sub Type |
(This selection only applies to beam sections.) Choose a subtype from the drop-down list. |
Define by HyperBeam |
(This option is only available if Beam Section is selected.) Select the check box to define the section with HyperBeam. Then select:
When you are in the HyperBeam application, it is possible to create multiple HyperBeam sections. However, only the most recently created section is attached the section card. |