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Creating Curves from Files or Math Expressions

Creating Curves from Files or Math Expressions

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Creating Curves from Files or Math Expressions

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The Edit Curves panel allows you to create new curves or edit existing ones. Each vector of a curve can be defined using either a data vector in a data file or a math expression.  For example, the data source for the x vector could be a file, and the data source for the y vector could be a math expression.  The data sources for the x and y vectors are displayed in the x = and y = fields.

To edit the x and y vectors of a math curve, you must indicate the curve number and the x or y vector, in the format curve number.vector: For example:

c1.x        To reference the x vector of curve 1.

c1.y        To reference the y vector of curve 1.


When you modify a curve, the curves are recalculated in the proper order, based on what has been modified.  The y vector can be a function of x or the x vector can be a function of y.

New data can be selected from a source file or mathematically defined. Source file data is divided into type, request, and component.


Data files can consist of different types of data.  Available data types depend on the data file.


Once the data type has been selected, the data request set needs to be selected.


After the data request set has been selected, the component must be selected.

Note:For more information about math expressions, refer to the Altair Math Reference Guide.


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