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Default Utility Menu

Default Utility Menu

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Default Utility Menu

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The Utility menu is normally located on the left side of the graphics region, in the tab area pane. However, it can also be dragged-and-dropped to the right-side explorer pane, if that pane is open.  It contains page selection buttons at the bottom of the menu, with the current page’s button depressed. The different pages of the Utility menu are:

Geom/Mesh (macros related to model geometry and FE mesh)
Disp (Options related to the graphical display of entities)
QA/Model (macros related to element quality and loads)
User (user-created macros only)


The Utility menu displays by default, although it may be obscured by another tab such as the Model browser or Connector browser. You can turn the Utility menu off completely (removing its tab from the tab area) by un-checking it in the View menu. You can also turn the Utility menu off by clicking the small "x" in the upper corner of the tab area when the Utility menu tab is in the forefront, or even by clicking-and-dragging the tab to the title bar.      

To restore the Utility menu, simply check it in the View menu.

Note:It still might not display if the tab area pane on which it resides is not active. For example, if the Utility menu is on the right-hand tab area pane, but you have only the left-hand pane showing in the Engineering Solutions environment, the Utility menu will still be invisible even though you have it checked in the View menu.

The Geom/Mesh, QA/Model, and Disp pages contain a variety of macros that allow you to quickly perform functions which would normally take several steps.



See Also:

Utility Menu

Tab Area