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Entity State Browser Context Menu

Entity State Browser Context Menu

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Entity State Browser Context Menu

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The Entity State browser's right-click context menu contains additional browser options.


Available for:


Set Active


Sets the currently selected entities in the browser to the active state.

Set Active Only


Sets the entities currently selected in each folder to the active state and sets the remaining entities in those folders to the inactive state.

Set Inactive


Sets the currently selected entities in the browser to the inactive state.

Set Inactive Only


Sets the entities currently selected in each folder to the inactive state and sets the remaining entities in those folders to the active state.

Set Export


Sets the currently selected entities in the browser to the export state.

Set Export Only


Sets the entities currently selected in each folder to the export state and sets the remaining entities in those folders to the do not export state.

Set Do Not Export


Sets the currently selected entities in the browser to the do not export state.

Set Do Not Export Only


Sets the entities currently selected in each folder to the do not export state and sets the remaining entities in those folders to the export state.


Assemblies, Beamsection collectors, Beamsection, Blocks, Bodies, Boxes, Components, Configuration, Constrained extra nodes, Constrained rigid bodies, Constraints, Contact surfaces, Control volumes, Crosssections, Design variables, Design variable links, Design Objective Reference, Design Variable Property Relationship, Elements, Groups, Joints, Laminates, Load collectors, Loads, Loadsteps, Materials, Mechanisms, Objectives, Optimization constraints, Optimization responses, Output blocks, Part, Part Assembly, Part Set, Plies, Properties, Regions, Seatbelts, Sensors, Sets, System collectors, Systems, Vector collectors, Vectors

Invokes Review mode, which displays selected entities irrespective of their display state, masked, active state (Entity State browser), but not outside of the spherical clipping (if enabled).

Collapse All


Closes all of the folders in the tree structure, so that only the top-most level of items displays.

Expand All


Opens all of the folders in the entire tree structure, exposing every item nested at every level.

Show Find


Turns the browser Find on/off functionality – see Find section for more information

Show Filter


Turns  the browser Filter functionality on/off – see Filter section for more information



Hides or displays the various columns in the tree control.

Configure Browser


Opens the Browser Configuration dialog, from which you can select which entities to display in the tree as well as which columns the browser displays.