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Specialized Solution Functionalities

Specialized Solution Functionalities

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Specialized Solution Functionalities

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OptiStruct offers many features that reduce solution time and simulation complexities.    

Automatic Multilevel Substructuring Eigen Solver (AMSES):

Comes with the OptiStruct solver at no additional cost
Runs on Windows (all new PC's are multi-core with large RAM)
Handles unconnected structures

Automatic result filtering (PEAKOUT):

Detailed results for peak response frequencies in a single run
Without this, since frequencies with peak Dynamic Response are not known ahead of time, a second run must be made to get detailed results output

Advanced Dynamic Reduction Technologies:

CMS Superelement (free, fixed and mixed boundary)
CDS Superelement (FRF based)

Significantly Enhanced Bushing Element (PBUSH and PBUSHT):

Directional mass and inertia can be defined, in addition to directional stiffness and directional damping
RIGID option for stiffness DOFs
Simplifies joint modeling by encapsulating multiple elements into one CBUSH


All results needed for TPA analysis can be output during a single frequency response run
Transfer paths can be determined by control volume definitions
Improvements to traditional TPA process:  
oNo need to make two separate runs
oNo need to worry about matching forces and transfer functions    


See Also:

Dynamic Reduction Techniques

NVH Analysis