HyperWorks Desktop


Specifies the size and color range of images written to AVI files.


Specifies the size and color range of images written to AVI files.

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Specifies the size and color range of images written to AVI files.

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*SetAVIFormat(RGB24/RGB8/GREY, 10/25/100)



RGB24 (24-bit color)

RGB8 (8-bit color)

GREY (8-bit greyscale)



10 (10% of normal)

25 (25% of normal)

100 (100% of  normal;




  *SetAVIFormat(RGB8, 25) // 8-bit color and 25% of normal








You can control the quality of images saved to an AVI animation file by changing the number of colors used and by changing the graphic size.  You can select 24-bit color, 8-bit color, or 8-bit greyscale, and an image size of 10%, 25%, or 100%.

Using 8-bit color or greyscale decreases the file size by two thirds with some loss of detail.  The file size for greyscale and 8-bit color is the same but greyscale provides more smoothly shaded images than 8-bit color.

Reducing the size of the image results in a reduction in file size with some loss of detail.

See also


List of Preference Statements