DMDirector_OpenWorkspace <director handle> <workspace handle> <library handle> <create new workspace>
Open a workspace for the library specified in the library handle. This will create a handle which is referred to as generic data manager in the entire API documentation.
director handle
Director handle
workspace handle
Workspace handle
library handle
Library Handle
Create new workspace
à0 or 1
0 àDo not create workspace
1à Create workspace if it does not exist
If the workspace does not exist and you use 0, the API will return a NULL and message that the workspace in workspace handle does not exist.
set altairHome [file dirname $::env(ALTAIR_LIB_MGR_PATH)]
set fileDefaultSettings [file join "$altairHome" hw tcl hweDataMgr librarymanager.xml]
set settings [CreateDefaultSettings "$fileDefaultSettings"]
set director [new_DMDirector $settings {C:\Documents and Settings\username\.Altair\11.2\hwe\organize\master\master.db}
set liblist [LibraryList]
set wslist [WorkSpaceList]
DMDirector_GetLibraries $director $liblist username ""
DMDirector_GetWorkspaces $director $wslist username
set ws [WorkSpaceList_at $wslist 0]
set gdm [DMDirector_OpenWorkspace $director $ws $repo 1]