HyperWorks Desktop

Exporting Solver Decks

Exporting Solver Decks

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Exporting Solver Decks

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The Export Solver Deck feature allows you to export the deformed shape as a Abaqus, DynaKey, OptiStruct/Nastran, or STL model.  These files can be read into a pre-processor, such as HyperMesh, or into a CAD tool to view the deformed geometry.  From the File menu, select Export > Solver Deck to display the dialog.

Note:This tool writes out unscaled coordinates only.  If scaled coordinates are needed, use the Linear Superposition utility in HyperView to create a subcase, and then use this utility to export the solver deck (with scaled coordinates).



Export Deformed Shape dialog

To export a deformed shape from HyperView:

1.From the File menu, select Export > Solver Deck. The Export Deformed Shape dialog is displayed.
2.From the Select format drop-down menu, select Abaqus, Dynakey, OptiStruct/Nastran, RADIOSS, or STL.
3.Use the File name file browser to select the directory and name to which you want to save your file.
4.Click Save.
5.Click OK.

The following pop-up message appears:


6.Click Yes to continue exporting the solver deck.
-Click OK to close the dialog. You can now open this file in HyperMesh (or another pre-processor), or a CAD tool.

OR (if scaled coordinates are needed):

Click No to stop the exporting of the solver deck.

-Click Cancel to close the dialog.

Use the Linear Superposition utility in HyperView to create a subcase, and then use this utility to export the deformed shape (with scaled coordinates).  See "To create a derived loadstep from a simulation list" in the Derived Load Steps topic (located in the HyperView User's Guide) for additional information on creating a derived loadstep.