Although most HyperMesh operations are performed with the mouse, you must use the keyboard to enter new file or component names or title information. In addition, there are several keyboard hot keys that you can use to access the viewing functions available on the toolbars. The hot keys are the same as the letters on the menu. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate your model. The secondary menu uses various combinations of the function keys, SHIFT key, and CTRL key to access panels.
Although most HyperMesh operations are performed with the mouse, you must use the keyboard to enter new file or component names or title information. In addition, there are several keyboard hot keys that you can use to access the viewing functions available on the toolbars. The hot keys are the same as the letters on the menu. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard to rotate your model. The secondary menu uses various combinations of the function keys, SHIFT key, and CTRL key to access panels.
Keyboard shortcuts can be used to map HyperMesh functions to keys or key combinations, so that you can quickly execute tasks that you use frequently simply by pressing one or more keys on the keyboard. One example of this is the default mapping of the F key--which, when pressed, zooms and pans the graphics area view to fit the currently displayed model to the screen. You can customize the default shortcut mappings to create your own shortcuts for a variety of tasks. Examples include:
The following keys are usable when defining shortcuts:
You can assign or remove a shortcut by selecting keyboard from the Preferences menu.
The keyboard option opens a free-standing window with a keyboard display. Keys display in the Key-Command Mappings window with colors based on their mapping:
To map a function to a shortcut key, select the appropriate key by clicking in the keyboard menu or holding down that key on your keyboard. The selected key highlights in blue. Next, enter the appropriate command(s) and if necessary the file name (for a tcl script) in the table area of the menu located below the keyboard diagram.
To create a shortcut key "e" that deletes all the elements in the model, enter the following commands in the command field next to the key "E": *createmark elements 1 "all"; *deletemark elements 1;
To create a shortcut key "L" that accesses the Lines panel, enter the following in the command field next to the key "L": hm_pushpanel ;
To create a shortcut key "J" that runs a macro to find all the elements with jacobian < 0.7: this macro already exists in the QA page of the Utility menu. To call the same macro, enter the following in the command field next to the key "J": *evaltclstring "macroElementJacobian 0.7" 0
To create a shortcut key <shift + K> that runs a macro to check whether any beam/bar elements exist in the model and display them only:
Proc displayonlybeams {} *createmark elements 2 "by config" 60 63 set beams [hm_getmark elements 2] *clearmark elements 2 if { ![Null beams]} *displaycollectorwithfilter comps "none" "" 1 1; eval *createmark elements 1 $beams; *findmark elements 1 0 1 elements 0 2; } else { hm_usermessage "No beam elements in this model" } }
*evaltclstring displayonlybeams
hm_pushpanelitem {edit element} {combine} This will take you to the last used sub-panel in the specified panel.
Click here to view the keyboard controls that are available in HyperView. |