
External Functions

External Functions

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External Functions

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In addition to the built-in math functions and operators, external C-programs can also be called from within a math expression.  This enables you to process plot data from within the program using your own set of specialized programs.  For example, the external program can be a customized filter for manipulating plot data or a program that passes plot data to another application for processing.

External programs must be registered in the preferences file before they can be called from within a math expression.  Registering an external program associates the program file with a function name.  External programs can be registered in your own preferences file or in the global preferences file, making it available to everyone on the network.

NoteSee Altair IPC for more information on writing and calling external C-programs from within a math expression.
See the *RegisterExternalFunction() statement in Preference Files help for more information on registering external functions in the preferences.mvw file.

How do I...

hmtoggle_plus1Call an external program from within a math expression:
1.From the Define Curves panel, click the Functions... button.
2.Select the extern function from the Functions list and click OK.


1.Double-click the extern function displayed in the Functions list.
2.The extern function is inserted into the expression.


1.Type extern followed by any necessary arguments.
2.Enter the name of the external program as the first argument in the function.
3.Enter any parameters to be passed to the external program as additional function arguments.
4.Click Apply.

The external program is executed when the X and Y math expressions are evaluated.  Once the data vectors are processed, the curve is displayed in the plot.

See Also

Curve Calculator

Compile MATLABFn