
Sample Script: Running OptiStruct

Sample Script: Running OptiStruct

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Sample Script: Running OptiStruct

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The sample script shown below runs an OptiStruct simulation, calls HyperView in batch mode to extract results, and then copies the results.  This is a .bat script written for Windows.

Note:The need for the call statement when calling optistruct.bat.

In the case of nested .bat files, call is required; otherwise, the main script continues without waiting for the completion of the second script.


set HST_ALTAIR_HOME=C:\Altair\hw11.0

REM ##  Perform Simulation

call %HST_ALTAIR_HOME%\hwsolvers\bin\win64\optistruct.bat %STUDY_RUN_PATH%\model.fem

REM ##  Perform the result extraction

start  /wait /min  %HST_ALTAIR_HOME%\hw\bin\win64\hw.exe %STUDY_RUN_PATH%\model.h3d %STUDY_RUN_PATH%\model.h3d -tcl %STUDY_DIR_PATH%\export_maxStress_val.tcl -b

REM ##  copy the results in the current study folder

copy C:\result.txt %STUDY_RUN_PATH%\result.txt