Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) |
Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA) |
Sequential Optimization and Reliability Assessment (SORA), originally published by Dr. W. Chen and Dr. X. Du of Northwestern University, is a reliability-based design optimization method. Reliability-based design optimization (RBDO) methods take uncertainties in the design into account and search for designs that satisfy the design requirements with a required probability of success. A reliability-based design problem is formulated as follows:
Objective: |
min f(x, r, p) |
Constraints: |
P(g(x,r, p ≤ 0.0) > PS |
x is the deterministic input variables.
r is the random input variables (affect the design but are subject to uncertainties).
p is the pure random parameters (variables we have no control over but affect the design, such as humidity and temperature).
• | An extension of SORA is implemented in HyperStudy to allow for robust design optimization. Robust design optimization attempts to minimize the objective variance in order to reduce its sensitivity to design variations and consequently increase the design's robustness. The implementation in HyperStudy is based on the use of percentiles for the objective function and is turned on via the Robust Optimization setting in the Specification step. |
• | SORA is the most accurate of the three RBDO methods available in HyperStudy. It is also the most expensive. |
• | SORA terminates if one of the conditions below are met: |
- | One of the two convergence criterias are met. |
o | The absolute objective change is less than a convergence tolerance value (SOREPS) and there is no constraint violation (GMAX). |
o | The relative objective change is less than a convergence tolerance value (SOREPS) and there is no constraint violation (GMAX) in the last design. |
- | The maximum number of allowable iterations (MAXDES) is reached. |
An exception is when the current objective is worse than the previous objective and the constraint violation of the previous design is within allowable violation. When this occurs, SORA will be terminated.
• | The reliability analysis is carried out by searching for the most probable point (MPP). Issues such as non-uniqueness of the MPP and highly non-linear output response functions can reduce the accuracy of the reliability calculation. |
The flowchart below illustrates the different phases of the SORA process.
In the Specifications step, you can change the settings of SORA from the following tabs:
In the Settings tab, you can access the settings listed below. Please note that for most applications the default settings work optimally, and you may only need to change the Maximum Iterations and Robust Optimization.
In the More tab, you can access the setting listed below. Please note that for most applications, the default settings work optimally.