HyperWorks Release Notes

Resolved Issues

Resolved Issues

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Resolved Issues

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GPSTRESS could be wrong in CMS job if GRID set is used in MODEL card and this SET only includes the certain grids (not all) on certain elements. This has now been fixed.
Wrong thermal strain output for beam/bar elements. This has been fixed.
CDS job errors out when the frequency dependent material is present in input file. This has now been fixed.
DTPL member size summary has blank entry. This has been fixed.
Plastic Strain tensor was output in wrong system. This has been fixed.
Sensitivity could be wrong for shape optimization with nonlinear gap and the compliance response is used. This has been fixed.
The job may hit a programming error when DRESP1V is used with DRESP3. This has been fixed.
The issue with line search has been fixed.
Zero SPCF happens when MPC based TIE is used. This has been fixed.
Last load step results for nonlinear analysis with NLOUT may not be available when combined with linear static subcase. This has been fixed.
The results could show NaN for global-local model when the global subcase has shells in transfer zone. This has been fixed.
Some performance issue and also a large disk usage was observed when a large NINT is used for incremental output with NLOUT was used. This has been fixed.