HyperWorks Release Notes

Stiffness, Strength and Stability

Stiffness, Strength and Stability

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Stiffness, Strength and Stability

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hmtoggle_arrow1Nonlinear Analysis Results are now Available at Incremental Load-steps

Small Displacement and Large Displacement Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis results are now available at incremental load-steps using the NLOUT bulk data entry and the NLOUT subcase information entry. The NINT and SVNONCNV parameters are available to control incremental output.


hmtoggle_arrow1Finite Sliding Contact is now Available to Simulate Large Sliding at the Contact Interface

Finite sliding contact is now available for Surface-to-Surface (S2S) contact to simulate large sliding at the contact interface. Finite sliding is activated by setting the TRACK field on the CONTACT entry to FINITE.


hmtoggle_arrow1Large Displacement for 1D Elements is now Available

Large displacement support for CROD, CBAR and CBEAM elements is now available. Note that Pin flags (PA and PB fields) for CBAR and CBEAM elements and Torsion for CROD element (J field on PROD entry) are not currently supported. 1D bolt pretensioning is now available for Large Displacement Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1MPC-based Fast Contact is now Supported

MPC-based Fast Contact is now supported for models where contact between parts is the only source of nonlinearity in the model. MPCs can now be used in conjunction with SUPORT, SPC entries and PARAM,CDITER to activate MPC-based fast contact.


hmtoggle_arrow1CONTACT/CGAP(G)-based Fast Contact Analysis is now Available

Fast Contact Analysis is now available for Node-to-Surface (N2S) contact and for CGAP/CGAPG elements. This is supported for models without material nonlinearity, or friction. Large displacement nonlinear analysis is not supported. PARAM,FASTCONT can be used to activate CONTACT/CGAP(G)-based fast-contact analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Follower Loads are now Supported in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis

Follower pressures and forces are now supported in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis. Pressures and forces are now dependent on the deformation with regard to both direction and area (pressure). The FLLWER bulk data and FLLWER subcase information entries are now available to activate and define parameters to control follower loading. PARAM, FLLWER is also available.


hmtoggle_arrow1Nonlinear Convergence Parameters can now be Specified for Large Displacement Analysis

Nonlinear adaptive convergence and time-stepping parameters can now be controlled for Large Displacement Analysis using the NLADAPT bulk data and NLADAPT subcase Entry. The NCUTS, DTMAX, DTMIN, NOPCL, NSTSL, and EXTRA parameters are currently available for nonlinear convergence control.


hmtoggle_arrow1Time Dependent Loading Input for Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis

Time dependent loading for Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis is available through the TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 bulk data entries with table data. The DLOAD subcase entry can be used in an NLSTAT subcase to reference TLOAD1/TLOAD2 bulk data entries.


hmtoggle_arrow1Shell-to-Shell and Shell-to-Solid Element Support is now Available for Global-Local Modeling

Shell-to-Shell and Shell-to-Solid Element support is now available for Global-Local modeling. Both the local and global models can contain shell elements. They can also be a combination of shell and solid elements.


hmtoggle_arrow1Acceleration Loads

Acceleration loads can now be applied to models using ACCEL, ACCEL1, and ACCEL2 bulk data entries. The ACCEL bulk data entry can be used to apply acceleration loads based on location. ACCEL1 bulk data entry can be used to apply acceleration loads on specific GRID points by specifying the particular GRID IDs. ACCEL2 can be used to apply acceleration loads to SETs of GRIDs in the model.


hmtoggle_arrow1Rigid Bodies can now be Defined

Rigid bodies can now be defined as element set, grid set, or surface using the RBODY bulk data entry. MASS and INERTIA continuation lines are also available for mass and inertia properties for the rigid bodies. The RBADD bulk data entry can be used to define a rigid body as a combination of rigid bodies defined by RBODY.


hmtoggle_arrow1Contact Results in OP2 File

Contact results, including Contact Force (v), Contact Pressure (s), and Contact Traction (v) are now available in the OP2 file using the CONTF bulk data entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1Contact Area Output is now Available

Contact area output is now available via the CONTF bulk data entry with the OPTI format option. This is supported only for surface to surface (S2S) contact. The contact area results are output to the .cntf file.


hmtoggle_arrow1Beam and Bar Elements Results are now Supported in Random Response Analysis

Power Spectral Density (PSDF) and Root Mean Square (RMS) element stress, strain, and force results are now available for Random Response Analysis in H3D and OP2 formats for CBEAM and CBAR elements.


hmtoggle_arrow1STATSUB(BUCKLING/PRELOAD) can now Reference Small Displacement NLSTAT Subcases with S2S Contact

STATSUB (BUCKLING/PRELOAD) can now reference small displacement NLSTAT subcases in models containing S2S contact. Previously, only N2S contact and linear static subcase references were supported.


hmtoggle_arrow1Arruda-Boyce Model for Hyperelastic Material

The Arruda-Boyce Model (Model=ABOYCE) is now supported for Hyperelastic materials on the MATHE bulk data entry. Additionally, reduced forms of the Generalized Mooney Rivlin material model (Model=MOONEY) are also separately available via Model= RPOLY/MOOR/NEOH/YEOH options.


hmtoggle_arrow1Enhancements to Hyperelastic Materials

The Poisson’s Ratio (NU), Material Density (RHO), Coefficient of thermal expansion (TEXP), and Reference Temperature (TREF) fields have now been added to the MATHE bulk data entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1Table Entries can now be Set to Have a Constant Y-Value Outside the Specified Range

The FLAT field on each Table entry (TABLED1-3, TABLEM1-3, TABLES1, TABRND1, and TABDMP1 Bulk Data Entries) can be set to a non-zero value to activate the constant Y-value option.


hmtoggle_arrow1Projection points GA and GB for CWELD and CGAPG are now Output in OP2 File

The projection points GA and GB for CWELD and CGAPG are now available in the OP2 file.


hmtoggle_arrow1New RIGID Entry to Select Rigid Element Processing Method

The RIGID I/O Options entry is now available to select the rigid element processing method, LAGRAN (LaGrange multiplier method) or LGELIM (LaGrange multiplier method with constraint elimination). This is applicable to RBAR, RROD, RBE1, RBE2, RBE3, and MPC entries.


hmtoggle_arrow1Stress and Strain Output for CYPRA Elements in Static Analysis

Stress and Strain output is now available for CPYRA elements in Static Analysis in the OP2 file.


hmtoggle_arrow1Control Output of .spcd Files

OUTPUT, SPCD, YES/NO is now available to control the output of .spcd files. The default is YES.


hmtoggle_arrow1Different Default for TFRAC on the CNTSTB Bulk Data Entry

The default value of the tangential stabilization scaling factor with respect to the normal stabilization (TRFAC) on the CNTSTB bulk data entry has now been changed to 0.1.


hmtoggle_arrow1Visualize S2S Contact Elements in HyperMesh

When CONTPRM, CONTOUT, YES is specified, S2S contact elements (and large displacement N2S contact elements) will be output as PLOTEL+RBE3 into the <filename>_contout.fem file for visualization. This filename_contout.fem file can then be imported into HyperMesh on top of the base model to visualize the S2S contact.


hmtoggle_arrow1SPC on RBE3 Dependent Node for Large Displacement Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis

SPC is now allowed on the dependent nodes of RBE3’s for Large Displacement Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Dynamic Design Analysis Method (DDAM) is now Available

Dynamic Design Analysis Method (DDAM) is now available.


hmtoggle_arrow1Threshold-Based Output Options are now Available for Element Strain Energy (ESE), Stress (STRESS) and Temperature (THERMAL) Output

Threshold-based output of results is now supported. The THRESH (absolute threshold), TOP (top “topn” results), and RTOP (top “rtop” percent of total results) options are now available for Element Strain Energy (ESE), Stress (STRESS) and Temperature (THERMAL) output.


hmtoggle_arrow1Thermal Expansion of Rigid Elements is now Available

Thermal expansion coefficient (ALPHA) on the RBE2, RBE3, RROD, and RBAR elements can now be specified.


hmtoggle_arrow1Multiple OP2 Files can now be Requested for a Single Model

The POST subcase information entry can be used to request subcase-specific output to separate files. The TOFILE, label option can be used to define a label to be appended to the model’s filename in the generated subcase-specific output file. This is currently only supported for OP2 files. POST,TOFILE should always be used in conjunction with OUTPUT,OP2, FORMAT=OP2, or PARAM, POST,-1.


hmtoggle_arrow1Temperature Load Output is now Available for Static Analysis

Temperature load output is now available for Static Analysis via the OLOAD bulk data entry. Previously, only applied load vector output was supported.


hmtoggle_arrow1FORCE Results are now Output for CBUSH and CELAS Elements for Transient Analysis to the H3D, OP2, and PCH Files

FORCE results are now output for CBUSH, CELAS elements for Transient Analysis to the H3D, OP2, and PCH files.


hmtoggle_arrow1RJOINT is now Available to Connect Coincident GRID Points

RJOINT is now available to connect coincident GRID points by defining a rigid joint connection between them. Depending on the value of the CB field, the behavior of the rigid joint can be switched between hinges, universal joints, spherical joints and so on.


hmtoggle_arrow1Corner Strains are now Available for Solid Elements

Corner strains are now available for solid elements via the STRAIN(CORNER) entry. The “Corner Data” check box should be activated in HyperView to view corner results.


hmtoggle_arrow1Grid Point Strains are now Available

Grid point strains are now available for solid elements using the GPSTRAIN I/O Options entry. GPSTRAIN is currently only supported for Static Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Subcase-specific Random Response Analysis

Subcase-Specific Random Response Analysis is now available. The results for Frequency Response Analysis and Random Response Analysis can now be decoupled. The ANALYSIS=RANDOM option can be used in a separate Random Response Analysis subcase and corresponding Random Response results can be requested in this separate subcase. The RANOM Subcase Information entry can be defined in this separate subcase pointing to RANDPS and RANDT1 entries.


hmtoggle_arrow1Axial Deformation of GAP Elements are now Output

Axial deformation of GAP elements are now output in the OP2 and PCH files.


hmtoggle_arrow1Scaling Support for PBUSH Entry

Scaling support for the values on the PBUSH entry is available via the PBUSHT entry. The KSCALE, BSCALE, GESCALE, and MSCALE flags are available on the TYPE field to scale the corresponding data (based on frequency) on the PBUSH entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1MAT9 Entry is now Supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis

MAT9 entry is now supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1The LOCATE Entry is now Available and RELOC is now Subcase Specific

The LOCATE entry is now available and RELOC is now subcase specific. The LOCATE entry defines subcase-specific part location within the global-part. LOCATE bulk data entries are activated in each subcase by the LOCATE subcase entries. The LOCATE bulk data entries reference the identification number of a RELOC bulk data entry which defines the actual location of the part in the final model.


hmtoggle_arrow1Linear Bushing Elements are now Supported in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis

Linear bushing elements, via CBUSH and CBUSH1D, are now supported in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis. The SPRING continuation line on PBUSH1D is now not mandatory to use linear CBUSH1D elements in Large Dislacement Nonlinear Analysis. Additionally, the TYPE=KN data on the PBUSHT entry is not mandatory to use linear CBUSH elements in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Residual Energy Ratio (Epsilon) is now Always Output in the OUT File

Residual Energy Ratio (Epsilon) is now always output in the OUT file. This now does not require the usage of GPFORCE. Epsilon is not available for a Large Displacement Analysis, Linear Gap and Fast Contact Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Contact Friendly Elements are now Automatically Switched ON When Applicable Within the Model

Contact friendly elements (PARAM, CONTFEL) are now automatically turned on when applicable within the model. The default is now PARAM, CONTFEL, AUTO if the parameter is not specified in the model. This will activate contact friendly elements when 2nd order elements with N2S contact are present in the model.


hmtoggle_arrow1Turn Off the Check for Negative and Large Compliance in Optimization

PARAM, HGHCMPOK is now available to turn off the check for negative and large compliance in optimization. This will bypass the ERROR in optimization runs even if the compliance is large or negative.


hmtoggle_arrow1PBUSHT’s and PELAST’s in the Model can now be Turned ON/OFF

Generalized spring and damper property (PBUSHT) and elastic spring property (PELAST) in the model can now be turned ON/OFF using PARAM, PBUSHT and PARAM, PELAST, respectively.


hmtoggle_arrow1Large Displacement Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis can now be Subcase-Dependent

Subcase-Dependent Large Displacement Quasi-Static Analysis can now made subcase-dependent by using NLPARM(LGDISP) = SID in a specific subcase that selects a corresponding NLPARM bulk data entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1New Contact Stiffness Penalization Options are now Available for Nonlinear Contact Analysis

The exponential and quadratic contact stiffness penalization options are now available on the PCONT entry for Nonlinear Contact Analysis. The STFEXP continuation line can be used to activate the exponential stiffness penalization and the STFQDR continuation line can be used to activate the quadratic stiffness penalization.


hmtoggle_arrow1Cylindrical Coordinate System is now Supported for Gravity Loading

Cylindrical coordinate system is supported on the CID field of the GRAV bulk data entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis is now Available

Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis is now available. The MAXLFAT field on the FATPARM bulk data entry can be set to YES to activate Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis. The MDMGMDL continuation line can be used to define multiaxial fatigue damage models on the DM1, DM2, and DM3 fields. The MATFAT bulk data entry has now been enhanced with parameters and coefficients for Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1New and Enhanced Parameters
PARAM, CDITER: A new parameter, PARAM, CDITER can now be used to activate MPC-Based Fast Contact Analysis.
PARAM, FASTCONT: A new parameter, PARAM, FASTCONT can now be used to activate CONTACT/CGAP(G) Based Fast Contact Analysis.
PARAM, FLLWER: A new parameter, PARAM, FLLWER can be used to activate follower forces introduced by pressure loads (PLOAD4 entries) and concentrated forces (FORCE1/FORCE2 entries) in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
CONTPRM, CONTOUT: A new parameter, CONTPRM, CONTOUT can be used to output S2S contact elements (and large displacement N2S) as PLOTEL+RBE3 elements to the <filename>_contout.fem file for visualization purposes.
PARAM, CONTFEL: The AUTO option is now available (and is the default) that turns on contact friendly elements automatically if 2nd order elements in N2S contact are present in the model.
PARAM, HGHCMPOK: A new parameter, PARAM, HGHCMPOK can be used to turn off the check for negative or large compliance in optimization runs
PARAM, PELAST: A new parameter, PARAM, PELAST can be used to turn on/off the PELAST entries in the model.
PARAM, PBUSHT: A new parameter, PARAM, PBUSHT can be used to turn on/off the PBUSHT entries in the model.


hmtoggle_arrow1New and Enhanced I/O Options or Subcase Information Entries
NLOUT: The new NLOUT entry can be used in the subcase information section to select incremental result output parameters used for Nonlinear Quasi-Static analysis.
FLLWER: Used to activate follower loading in Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis by referencing a FLLWER bulk data entry.
NLADAPT: The NLADAPT Subcase Information entry can be used to reference an NLADAPT bulk data entry for nonlinear convergence control.
DLOAD: The DLOAD Subcase Information entry can now be used to reference TLOAD1/TLOAD2 entries in NLSTAT subcases.
RIGID: The RIGID I/O Options entry can now be used to select the rigid element processing method via the LAGRAN and LGELIM options.
OUTPUT: The OUTPUT I/O Options entry has now been enhanced with the SPCD, YES/NO option to control the output of .spcd files.
STRESS, ESE, and THERMAL: The RTHRESH, RTOP, and TOP fields have now been added to support threshold-based output.
POST: The POST Subcase Information Entry has now been added to request subcase-specific output to separate files. The TOFILE option can be used to specify the label appended to the model name in the output files.
OLOAD: The OLOAD I/O Options entry has now been enhanced with support for temperature load output.
GPSTRAIN: The GPSTRAIN I/O Options entry has now been added with to output grid point strain results.
ANALYSIS: The ANALYSIS Subcase Information entry has now been enhanced with subcase-specific random response analysis support. The RANDOM option is now available.
NLPARM: The NLPARM Subcase Information entry has now been enhanced with the LGDISP option to allow subcase-specific Large Displacement Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis activation.


hmtoggle_arrow1New Bulk Data Entries
NLOUT: The NLOUT bulk data entry defines incremental result output parameters for Nonlinear Quasi-Static Analysis.
FLLWER: The FLLWER bulk data entry can be used to define parameters for follower loading.
NLADAPT: The NLADAPT bulk data entry can be used to define parameters for nonlinear adaptive control.
ACCEL, ACCEL1, and ACCEL2: The ACCEL, ACCEL1, and ACCEL2 bulk data entries can be used to define acceleration loads.
RBODY and RBADD: The RBODY bulk data entry can be used to define a rigid body. The RBADD entry can be used to define a rigid body as a combination of rigid bodies specified using RBODYs.
RJOINT: The RJOINT bulk data entry can be used to define a rigid connection between coincident grid points.
LOCATE: The LOCATE bulk data entry can be used to define subcase-specific part locations within the global part.


hmtoggle_arrow1Enhanced Bulk Data Entries
-The TRACK field has been added to activate finite sliding.
-The Model=ABOYCE option can now be used to define an Arruda-Boyce material model for hyperelastic materials.
-The Model= RPOLY/MOOR/NEOH/YEOH options are now available to directly define subsets of the Generalized Mooney-Rivlin material model.
-The Poisson’s Ratio (NU), Density (RHO), Coefficient of thermal expansion (TEXP), and the Reference temperature (TREF) fields have been added to the MATHE entry.
-The FLAT field can now be used to define zero Y-values for X-values outside the range of the table.
-The TLOAD1 and TLOAD2 entries can now be used to specify time-dependent loading in NLSTAT subcases via the DLOAD subcase entry.
-The ALPHA field is now available to specify the thermal expansion coefficient for rigid elements.
-The KSCALE, BSCALE, GESCALE, and MSCALE flags are available on the TYPE field to scale the corresponding entries on the PBUSH entry.
-The STFEXP and STFQDR continuation lines and corresponding field parameters are now available to activate exponential and quadratic stiffness penalization options respectively.
-The CID field can now reference a cylindrical coordinate system.
-The MAXLFAT field can now be set to YES to activate Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.
-The MDMGMDL continuation line can be used to specify multiaxial fatigue damage models.
-The MATFAT bulk data entry has been enhanced with parameters and coefficients for Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis.