HyperWorks Release Notes

Stiffness, Strength and Stability

Stiffness, Strength and Stability

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Stiffness, Strength and Stability

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hmtoggle_arrow1Shell Element are now Supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Static Analysis

Shell Elements are now supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Static Analysis. This is supported for shell elements with PSHELL Property and MAT1 and MATS1 Material entries.


hmtoggle_arrow1Structural Nonlinear Transient Analysis

Structural Nonlinear Transient Analysis is now available. It supports Nonlinear Contact, Material, and Geometry. Two time-stepping schemes are currently supported: Generalized Alpha Method (default) and the Backward Euler Method. Structural Nonlinear Transient Analysis is supported only with large displacement theory, therefore, PARAM,LGDISP,1 is required. The NLPARM or TSTEPNL entry can be used in a subcase to provide nonlinear parameters and convergence tolerances. The NLADAPT entries can also be used to define parameters for time-stepping and convergence criteria.


hmtoggle_arrow1Nonlinear Material Support for Preloading and the Buckling Analysis

Nonlinear materials (MATS1, MGASK, MATHE bulk data entries) and nonlinear bushing elements (KN option on PBUSH/PBUSH1D bulk data entries) are now supported for Preloading and Buckling analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Node-to-Surface Contact with Friction Support for Preloading

Node-to-Surface contact (DISCRET=N2S on CONTACT/TIE bulk data entries) with friction is now supported for Preloading analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Retain Deformed Boundary for Multiple Continued Nonlinear Subcases

Certain displacement from preceding nonlinear subcase can be carried over to the subsequent nonlinear subcase. Such displacement is applied as if an enforced displacement is applied in subsequent nonlinear subcase. The D field on the SPC and SPCD entries can be set to F in conjunction with the CNTNLSUB entry to retain the deformed boundary resulting from a preceding nonlinear subcase. .    


hmtoggle_arrow1Bushing (CBUSH) Element Support for Nonlinear Large Displacement Analysis

CBUSH elements in a large displacement Nonlinear analysis are now resolved using Large Displacement Theory. Previously, CBUSH elements were supported using Small Displacement Theory in Large Displacement Nonlinear analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Non-convergent Solution Output for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis

The SVNONCNV flag on the NLOUT entry to output non-convergent solution for incremental loading results is now available for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1The Ogden Material Model for Hyperelastic Materials is now Available

The Ogden Material Model for Hyperelastic Materials is now available on the MATHE entry. The Model field can be set to OGDEN to activate Ogden Materials on the MATHE Bulk Data Entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1Neuber Stress and Strain output in Linear Analysis

Neuber stress/strain is available in H3D format by adding the NEUBER keyword on the STRESS/STRAIN I/O Options Entry. Neuber corrected stresses and strains are calculated based on the Von Mises stresses from linear elastic analysis, the Young’s modulus and the nonlinear material property defined on the MATS1 entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1Subcase Dependent Model Change with Regard to Contact Interfaces and Elements

Contact Interfaces or Elements can be added or removed for different nonlinear static subcases in the model. The parameters for the removal and/or reactivation of Contact Interfaces and/or Elements can be defined on the MODCHG Bulk Data Entry. The TYPE field should be used to choose the entity type (CONTACT/ELMSET) for removal or reactivation. The MODCHG Subcase Entry can be used to reference the MODCHG Bulk Data Entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1No Separation Option is Now Available for Nonlinear Analysis with Contact

With No Separation option, the contact won’t be open or separate anymore once closed at certain load increments. No Separation can be used together with friction. The SEPARATION flag on the PCONT entry can be set to NO to activate No Separation contact.


hmtoggle_arrow1Normal and Tangential Components of Contact Force Output are Now Available

Normal and tangential components of Contact Force is available in the H3D file and .cntf file when the CONTF I/O Options entry is defined.


hmtoggle_arrow1Pretensioning is Now Supported for Fast Contact Analysis

Pretensioning via STATSUB(PRETENS) entry is now supported for Fast Contact Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1Multiple Rigid Bodies that can be Defined Independent to Each Other

Multiple Rigid bodies (RBODY bulk data) can now have the same BID’s. In such cases, the RBODY’s are independent from one another. If multiple RBODY’s are added together with RBADD, the RBODY’s are connected to each other.


hmtoggle_arrow1Bore Deformation Calculation

Bore deformation calculation (distortion of cylinder in engine) is available. This functionality identifies magnitude of deformation for different orders of distortion of the Bore for each layer based on the displacement on the bore surface using Fast Fourier Transform. The BORED Bulk Data Entry can be used to define the surface, coordinate system, and parameters required to request Bore Deformation output for Static Analysis Subcases.


hmtoggle_arrow1GPSTRAIN for Plasticity Results

Plastic strain results are supported for GPSTRAIN output request. The PLASTIC option is available on the GPSTRAIN I/O Options entry to output Plastic Strain (in addition to Total Strain). This is only available for H3D output.


hmtoggle_arrow1Plastic Stress/Strain results at Element Corners are Available for Shell and Solid Elements

Plastic stress/strain results at Element Corners are available for Shell and Solid Elements in the H3D file. The PLASTIC option in conjunction with the CORNER option is now supported on the STRAIN I/O Options Entry.


hmtoggle_arrow1New and Enhanced Parameters
PARAM, LGDISP: The LGDISP entry can now be used in NLTRAN subcases for Nonlinear Transient Analysis.


hmtoggle_arrow1New and Enhanced I/O Options or Subcase Information Entries
TSTEP: The TSTEP entry has been enhanced for NLTRAN analysis.
TSTEPNL: The TSTEPNL entry is now also available for NLTRAN analysis.
NLPARM: The NLPARM entry is now also available for NLTRAN analysis.
-The NEUBER option can now be utilized to output Stresses with Neuber correction in Linear Analysis.
-The NEUBER option can now be utilized to output Strains with Neuber correction in Linear Analysis.
-The PLASTIC option in conjunction with the CORNER option is now supported.
MODCHG: The MODCHG subcase entry can be utilized to output reference a MODCHG bulk data entry to define and activate Model Change (Contact and/or Elements).
CONTF: The CONTF I/O Options entry has been enhanced to now output Normal and Tangential Contact Forces.
GPSTRAIN: The PLASTIC option has been added to the GPSTRAIN I/O Options entry to output Plastic strain (and Total Strain).


hmtoggle_arrow1New and Enhanced Bulk Data Entries
NLOUT:  The NLOUT bulk data entry defines incremental result output parameters for nonlinear quasi-static analysis.
TSTEP: The TSTEP entry has been enhanced for NLTRAN analysis. The Time integration method can be selected using the TMID field. The TCi fields can be used to define time integration parameters and the Alpha and Beta fields are available to add Rayleigh damping. The MREF, TOL, TNi fields are available for Automatic Time-stepping control.
TSTEPNL: A subset of the fields on the TSTEPNL entry are available for NLTRAN analysis.
NLPARM: The NLPARM entry is now also available for NLTRAN analysis.
SPC: The D field on the SPC entry can now be set to F to retain the deformed boundary from a preceding Nonlinear Subcase.
SPCD: The D field on the SPCD entry can now be set to F to retain the deformed boundary from a preceding Nonlinear Subcase.
NLOUT: The SVNONCNV flag is now supported for Large Displacement Nonlinear Analysis.
MATHE: The Ogden material model is now available and is activated by setting the Model field to OGDEN.
MODCHG: The MODCHG bulk data entry can be used to define parameters for the removal and/or reactivation of the Contact Interfaces and/or Elements.
PCONT: The no separation contact can be activated by setting the SEPARATION field to NO on the PCONT bulk data.
BORED: The new BORED bulk data entry defines the surface, coordinate system, and parameters required to request Bore Deformation output.