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hmtoggle_arrow1Contact TYPE24
Improved automatic treatment of initial penetrations with Inacti = 5 flag: Using this option, the initial position of the contact segment is automatically offset by the penetration value.  The contact segment remains offset until the penetrated node becomes no longer penetrated relative to the original contact segment location at which time the contact segment goes back to its original (non-offset) position.
Compatibility with /INTER/SUB (force transducer): The time history forces can be extracted for a subset of a TYPE24 the contact surface.
Single precision version: The robustness of the single precision version has been improved.


hmtoggle_arrow1Contact Interface TYPE19 Usability Improvements
Contact defined using a TYPE19 interface is now converted into a TYPE7 surface to surface symmetric contact (TYPE7 + TYPE7sym) and a TYPE11 edge to edge contact.  The output from all these contacts is summed together and available in one time history /TH/INTER output.


hmtoggle_arrow1Time Step
Global Time Step Method, /DT/GLOB: The Global Time Step (GTS) Method calculates the stable time step based on the full model which often results in a higher time step then the element or nodal based time step. The GTS estimation has a computational overhead, but in most of the cases the overcost is low compared to the cpu saving. GTS usage is currently limited to certain elements types and contact interfaces as listed in /DT/GLOB.
Nodal Time Step compatibility with Advanced Mass Scaling: When AMS is applied to a group of parts, now /DT/NODA/CST is correctly applied to the remaining parts; in former versions, element time-step was applied at borders of non-AMS parts, which was either reducing AMS benefits or making it ineffective in some cases.


SPH in both domains: SPH particles can now be used in multipe domains. This might be useful for applications like airplane ditching where SPH are used to model both the on-board fuel and the external water.
/ALE/LINK/VEL compatibility: This allows an ALE mesh to follow the Lagrange structure motion without needing a huge ALE volume to embed the structure in its displacement.
/PLOAD compatibility: /PLOAD can now be used to speed-up a Lagrange surface deployment in an ALE volume or simulate wind based motions of a structure over a liquid.


Automatic switch to small strain for solid elements with negative volume: Lagrangian solid or thick shell elements with whose volume becomes negative during a simulation will automatically switch strain formulations to allow the simulation to continue. When this occurs, a WARNING message will be printed in the engine output file. The following properties are supported, /PROP/TYPE6 (SOL_ORTH), /PROP/TYPE14 (SOLID), /PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL), /PROP/TYPE21 (TSH_ORTH), and /PROP/TYPE22 (TSH_COMP).  See Reference Guide for more details.
New strain formulation compatibility with /MAT/LAW1 (ELAST): Lagrange type total strain (Ismstr=10 ) and Total strain formulation (Ismst=11) are now compatible with /MAT/LAW1 (ELAST).
Automatic switch to small strain formulation based on element quality: /DT/BRICK/CST/1 can be used to define minimum aspect ratio and volume ration solid element quality thresholds that will trigger elements switching to small strain formulation.
/TETRA10 element is compatible with Ismstr=10 and Ismstr=11: Second order 10 node tetrahedaral elements (/TETRA10) can now be used with Ismstr=10 and Ismstr=11


New formulation to prevent tensile instability:  In /PROP/TYPE34 (SPH) a new parameterclip0012 has been introduced to reduce SPH tensile instability using artificial stress according to Monaghan's publication.
TH output of mass-flow through a section, /TH/SPH_FLOW: It is now possible to output the SPH flux through a given section defined as a variant of /SPH/INOUT
Robustness improvement where memory is dynamically allocated for SPH: It is no longer necessary to define the MAXSPH parameter in /SPHGLO.
Solid elements deletion and conversion into SPH (Sol2SPH) improvements: Sol2SPH now supports, Isolid=24 (HEPH) elements, /TETRA, degenerated /BRICK, /PROP/TYPE6 (SOL_ORTH), and /MAT/LAW81 Drücker-Prager Material Law with Cap.  Inactive particles are now treated as “deleted” for animation purposes.
Starter checks and error messages improvements for SPH/RESERVE: Starter checks and errors out if PART_ID does not exists and/or if it does not refer to a SPH part.
Heat transfer between SPH particles and finite elements: It is now possible to model heat transfer between SPH particles and Lagrange finite elements


Solid topology Optimization in RADIOSS optimization with Direct Density Control: Topology optimization can now be used within the RADIOSS ESLM optimization. New input / output keywords for solids filling percentage /INIBRI/FILL and /ANIM/BRICK/FILL are also available.
Multi Model Optimization (MMO): It is now possible to define a coordinate system (/SKEW) to map the design domains.
Composite sizing optimization in RADIOS optimization: The following RADIOSS functionality is supported: /PROP/TYPE11 (SH_SANDW), /PROP/TYPE17 (STACK) PROP/TYPE19 (PLY), and manufacturing constraints (/DCOMP related entry).
Support for direct OptiStruct bulk format data input in RADIOSS optimization: OptiStruct bulk format can be input using the following new RADIOSS options: /BULK, /BULKFMT, /BULKMAT and /BULKPROP.
Stress and Energy calculations for Topology optimization based on fill percentage: The element fill percentages are used to calculate the stress and energy.  The element fill percentages can be plotted using /ANIM/BRICK/FILL
Multiple engine files support


/MOVE_FUNCT with negative abscissa scaling coefficient: If the abscissa scaling coefficient is negative, the function data pairs are reordered so that the abscissa values in the function monotonically increase.
Thick shell element strain: When Istrain=1 in /PROP/TYPE20 (TSHELL) the elements is output to the animation file.
Option to exclude deleted elements from the state file (.sta), /STATE/NO_DEL
Reduced state file size for Bricks: File sizes are smaller for brick element because any unused variables in /INIBRI/AUX are set to zero.  The amount of file size reduction depends on the material model being used.
Output of failure values in state files: The failure status can now be written out in the state files using /STATE/BRICK/FAIL, and /STATE/SHELL/FAIL.  The failure status is saved in /INISH3N/FAIL, /INISHEL/FAIL, and /INIBRI/FAIL. This option allows to account for initial damage and failure states of deformed structure
Artificial Viscosity in the output animation file, /ANIM/ELEM/QVIS
Animation file is output when computation fails: When a RADIOSS simulation exist abnormally an animation file is created to help with debugging.
Additional functionality support in submodels, //SUBMODEL:
-/MONVOL/COMMU1 & /MONVOL/FVMBAG1 with porosity option
-/INTER/TYPE2 with Spotflag=20, 21
-/TSHELL16 and /RBE3
-/MAT/LAW83 and /MAT/LAW58
-/REFSTA with Offsets
-Starter error message has been enhanced to report RADIOSS features not support in submodels.
-Encrypted material /MAT/LAW50


hmtoggle_arrow1User Subroutines
Enhancements to improve usability and accessibility of user subroutines:
-Characteristic element length and area for /USER/FAIL
-Tables compatibility with user failure criteria
-Deformation gradient tensor, both for solids and shells
-Stretch tensor U for easy calculation of the Cauchy stress tensor
-Thermal information
-User elements parallelization: enables parallel computation of user elements
-Time-step is controlled exclusively by RADIOSS (User can no longer modify the variable TIME)
-Error message when a User Material is defined but User Subroutine not found


hmtoggle_arrow1Implicit Non-Linear
Improved usability with visual convergence indicator and table with time step, iteration history, residual; ASCII file including the same information is also output.
/MAT/LAW12 (3D_COMP) support in implicit analysis.
Additional statistics output for implicit simulations with duplicated messages suppressed


Support for Local parameters in submodels, //SUBMODEL
Parameters can be used in option titles: Using parameters in TH output variable can be useful for precise identification of TH output variables.
Random Noise Factor applied on /PROP/TYPE1 (SHELL) Thickness: A new option, /PERTURB, has been added to perform design robustness studies by assigning statistical values to shell thickness.  The nominal value and the standard deviation are requested as input.


hmtoggle_arrow1Starter and Engine Checks
RADIOSS starter model input checks were added or improved:
-Possible segmentation violation may occur in previous releases if an include file is missing.
-Proper error message whenever nodes are not read.
-In the care of an ERROR in an include file, all include files are read (instead of stopping at the first missing one) and prints a clean summary
-Starter checks if sections content is empty and prints a warning message
-Starter checks number of elements within a CLUSTER and prints an error if it exceeds the max allowed
-Starter checks in MAT/LAW1 if more than 1 Integration Points is prescribed; N is reset to zero and a warning is output; it prevents possible .sta file reading issues
-Starter checks if PART is defined in the input deck and outputs a proper error message if no part is detected
RADIOSS engine file input checks:
-Engine errors out with a proper error message if Ncycle in /RFILE is too large ( >10 digits); segmentation violation error was occurring in previous releases
-More specific engine error pointing to the actual input line with the unrecognized keyword(s) is replacing the existing generic engine “INPUT ERROR IN OPTION ANIM”.


Repetitive starter warnings and errors messages have been reformatted and compacted. For example, for incompatible kinematic conditions for tie contact, a list of nodes for a given tie interface is printed (as opposite to print a warning for each node)
An additional summary of warnings and errors is printed at the end of the Starter *0.out file.
Engine outputs a specific message when /SENSOR/TIME is activated


hmtoggle_arrow1Resolved Issues

Contact TYPE24:

Possible overcosts due to abnormal number of impact candidates identified.
Elastic part of contact energy not computed in TH
Wrong force output for shells in case of node sliding in corners of a T or X connection
Single precision + AMS + HMPP: possible segmentation violation in Starter
Possible segmentation violation in SPMD with Inacti=0 and 5.

Contact TYPE7:

Interface TYPE7 + Igap=2 + Irem_gap=2: wrong computation gap whith shells and solids (RD-4775)
Interface TYPE7 counter of initial penetrations in RADIOSS starter output message is wrong

Contact TYPE11:

Possible segmentation violation or possible wrong results with INTER/TYPE11 using /PARITH/OFF

Tied Contact TYPE2:

Penalty formulation (spotflag=25):
-wrong behavior with the option Idel
-Incorrect contact energy
-No error message is output when a master node is also slave of another tied interface
Penalty formulation (spotflag=26)
-Not currently recommended due to possible overconstrained master surface. RADIOSS Starter will print a warning and recommend kinematic formulation for shell/shell and shell/spring connections and switch to penalty formulation (spotflag=25) for solid/solid and solid/shell connections.
Possible negative mass error
Incorrect contact forces in Anim file when using solid (hexa) elements
Possible non repeatability issue (parith/on) with Ignore=2, Spotflag=1, Idel2=1. It appears when a node is projected at the border of 2 segments


Possible starter error with /SPH + /SECT + /FRAME/MOVE
Possible errors with /FRAME orientation computation related to /SPHBCS when applied to SPH particles belonging to the subdomain
Possible time-step drop in ALE domain if INTER/TYPE11 in subdomain.


In /SPH/INOUT if Fscaler is not defined, no SPH elements were created. Fscaler default value is now set to 1.0
Checkpoint restart (CHKPT) not working correctly with SPH
Possible corrupted anim files when /ANIM/BRICK/DAMA output was requested for SPH
Orthotropy directions for SPH particles are now correctly updated and more stable.


/STATE/NO_DEL: Writes in sta file connectivity and all variables only for non-deleted elements. This is useful when several load-cases are run sequentially on the same model: we want to use the deformed geometry and the plastic strains coming from the previous run, but the deleted elements.
/STATE/BRICK/STRESS/FULL for tshell16 is not working
Extrapolated values of /ANIM/GPS/TENS are incorrect when SPMD is used; similarly stress values for bricks and thick shells (for example SXijk value) in TH output are incorrect
Possible engine failure when /STATE/BRICK/FAIL + /PROP/TYPE20 (thick shells) are used
/LOAD/PFLUID & /ANIM/VECT/FEXT: external forces output in anim file is incorrect
Possible engine segmentation violation error if scalar values output on 1D elements are requested (for example: /ANIM/TRUSS)
Stress tensor output for coating shells (skin of brick elements) in animation file is zero
/ANIM/SHELL/EPSP/ALL: wrong plastic strain value in animation output
Starter outputs an unexpected warning (temperature is not computed) when DEF is requested in /TH/NODE
If no title in /TH/NODE, the run goes through, but there is no output in TH; error message has been added in the Starter
Encrypted functions are printed in the starter listing file with /MOVE_FUNCT
Possible segmentation error in engine due to empty slave node group in /INTER/TYPE2
Contact TYPE7 with Iremgap=2: Possible Starter segmentation violation
Initial strain defined in /INIBRI/STRA_F is not displayed in animation
Sensor type Gauge - Starter reads Pmin and Tmin in the wrong position
element thickness (which defined in shell element of Submodel) is ignored if use ITHICK=1
/ANIM/VECT/CONT2 : tied contact force vector direction display issue
Possible segmentation error in starter if section defined only with solid in /SECT
/SECT: improved colinearity check of nodes N1, N2, N3 which determine local section coordinate system
Starter prints a wrong element identifier in output file in case of null thickness for SHELL, /PROP/SHELL and /PART
Printout message for LAW66 improved: c value is output for LAW66 if use Iyld_rate=1,2
Kinematic energy of part is not output in time history file
/INIBRI/STRS_F line duplicated in *.str file
Segmentation error in engine when using /INIV/AXIS combined with Y translation initial velocity
Result repeatability not respected when /ADMAS/PART is used
Possible starter segmentation violation if the model contains unused functions (affects 14.0 and 13.0.214 only)
Possible engine segmentation violation on win64 with /IMPVEL/LAGMUL
Starter may output non-ascii characters
-If the number of warnings is too high
-for /GRBRIC
Orthotropy initialization in version 14.0 (/INISHE/ORTHO & /PROP/TYPE9): starter stops with ERROR ID : 26.
Possible Starter failure if /PROP/SPH cards are encrypted
Possible Engine failure if MONVOL/GAS with venting is used
/TH/FRAME output is null if SPMD is used (correct in SMP)
Transformations and rotations of submodels: sequences are not respected (rotations are applied first)
Possible engine failure (segmentation violation) when
-/OUTP + SPMD + IMPI are used
-/OUTP/VECT/ROT is requested for solid elements; /OUTP/VECT/ROT is not available for solids
-MAT/LAW32 + PROP/TYPE1 are used
-AMS + PROP/KJOINT2 are used
Warning 542 (rigid body inertia): inertia components mixed in the warning message
When a spring is defined by 2 identical nodes, the error message reports a wrong Element_ID
/INTER/TYPE18: Possible false memory allocation error in Starter (increase MULTIMP)
Possible engine crash after few cycles when TSHEL16 or BRICK20 results are initialized from .sta file
Possible Starter segementation error when using KJOINT2
Possible Engine segmentation violation when using /RBE2

User Subroutines:

Advanced user laws are not working in multithread.
Wrong user values in animation output if user law has high number of uvar (like number 99).
Results repeatability (PARITH/ON) is not ensured for solid with user defined property (igtyp > 29).
Possible segmentation error in engine if interface TYPE2 with failure + using user dynamic library.
Material User Law in dynamic Library for Shell - Wrong Integration point number
User sensor cannot be deactivated.


/ANIM/VECT/DISP output is incorrect (by a factor 2x) wrt displacement computed from nodes coordinates
/IMPL/NONLIN: Possible engine segmentation violation error if models contains RBE2 or RBE3
Results cannot be output for decreasing load in post buckling analysis
Starter may take too much time to run and hang
Possible engine segmentation violation when using /IMPL/SOLVER/2 (MUMPS)
Isolid = 14 not valid for /BRIC20
implicit fails if using composite material
Implicit MUMPS - possible convergence issue on Windows (same model converges on Linux)
Possible Starter failure in implicit nonlinear if RBE3 are used
Inconsistent max contact force output in Animation files between SMP and SPMD run.


/PROP/KJOINT2 + /DT/NODA/CST: in case F(0)<>0, the joint is locked
/SENSOR based on force does not work as described in manual
/SENSOR/INTER compatibility with /INTER/SUB ID: possible Starter Error ID 339 (undefined Interface ID)
Poor scalability in SPMD parallel mode:
-Possible load unbalance with consequent poor scalability when parabolic tetra4 (Irot=1) are used (domain decomposition issue in the Starter)
-Poor scalability with high number of SPMD domains in case of SPH + TYPE7 contact
/SENSOR/INTER and /SENSOR/SECT compatibility with SPMD: when changing the number of SPMD domains, the sensor is not activated at the same time (impulse instead of force was used)
Possible time step under-estimation for parabolic tetra4 (Itet=1): time step smaller than tetra10
AMS affects rotation of large rigid-bodies
/TETRA10 : non correct behavior in case of small strain and large rotation
Isolid=14 and Isolid=17 (HA8, H8C) give bad results with Single Precision version