Subroutine Type |
Modeling |
Definition |
Calculates the values for a user-defined input array element. |
Use |
<Reference_Array id = "30100100" type = "U" num_element = "6" usrsub_param_string = "USER(502,11401020,11701100,339.3,207)" usrsub_dll_name = "NULL" usrsub_fnc_name = "ARYSUB" /> |
Calling Syntax |
C void STDCALL ARYSUB (int *id, double *time, double *par, int *npar, int *dflag, int *iflag, int *nvalue, double *value)
Python def ARYSUB(id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag, nvalue):
MATLAB function value = ARYSUB(id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag, nvalue) |
Input Arguments |
[integer] ID |
The array element identifier. |
[double precision] TIME |
The current simulation time. |
[double precision] PAR |
An array that contains the constant arguments from the list provided in the user-defined statement. |
[integer] NPAR |
The number of entries in the PAR array. |
[logical] DFLAG |
A Boolean variable that MotionSolve sets to true when it needs partial derivatives. Otherwise, it is set to false. |
[logical] IFLAG |
A Boolean variable that MotionSolve sets to true when it needs to know on which functions CNFSUB depends. When the flag is set to false, then the values of the user-defined expressions are computed. |
The number of values the user-defined Reference_Array contains. |
Output Values |
[double precision] VALUES |
Output array that contains the values for the user-defined Reference_Array. |
Example |
This example describes how ARYSUB is used to calculate six state-dependent quantities that obey the following mathematical law:
def ARYSUB(id, time, par, npar, dflag, iflag, nvalue)
# Initialize outputs first errflg = 0 value = 6*[0.0]
# Get I/J, the spline ids and [K]/[C] matrices from PAR Ipar = [] ipar.append(int(par[1])) ipar.append(int(par[2]))
kx_spl_id=int(par[3]) ky_spl_id=int(par[4]) kz_spl_id=int(par[5])
ktx=par[6] kty=par[7] ktz=par[8]
cx=par[9] cy=par[10] cz=par[11]
ctx=par[12] cty=par[13] ctz=par[14]
# Calculate AX(I,J),AY(I,J),AZ(I,J) [ax,errflg]=py_sysfnc("ax",ipar) [ay,errflg]=py_sysfnc("ay",ipar) [az,errflg]=py_sysfnc("az",ipar)
#CalculateDX(I,J,J),DY(I,J,J),DZ(I,J,J) ipar.append(int(par[2])) [dx,errflg]=py_sysfnc("dx",ipar) [dy,errflg]=py_sysfnc("dy",ipar) [dz,errflg]=py_sysfnc("dz",ipar)
#CalculateWX(I,J,J),WY(I,J,J),WZ(I,J,J) [wx,errflg]=py_sysfnc("wx",ipar) [wy,errflg]=py_sysfnc("wy",ipar) [wz,errflg]=py_sysfnc("wz",ipar)
#CalculateVX(I,J,J,J),VY(I,J,J,J),VZ(I,J,J,J) ipar.append(int(par[2])) [vx,errflg]=py_sysfnc("vx",ipar) [vy,errflg]=py_sysfnc("vy",ipar) [vz,errflg]=py_sysfnc("vz",ipar)
#Calculate{F(x)} [fx,errflg]=py_akispl(-dx,0.0,kx_spl_id,0) [fy,errflg]=py_akispl(-dy,0.0,ky_spl_id,0) [fz,errflg]=py_akispl(-dz,0.0,kz_spl_id,0)
#{a} value[0]=fx-cx*vx value[1]=fy-cy*vy value[2]=fz-cz*vz
#{b} value[3]=-ktx*ax-ctx*wx value[4]=-kty*ay-cty*wy value[5]=-ktz*az-ctz*wz
return value |
Comments |
<Control_StateEqn id = "301001" type = "USERSUB" x_array_id = "30100200" y_array_id = "30100300" u_array_id = "30100100" num_state = "2" num_output = "1" is_static_hold = "FALSE" usrsub_param_string = "USER(998,0,1,-10,.1,10,0,0,1)" usrsub_dll_name = "NULL" usrsub_fnc_name = "GSESUB" usrsub_der1_name = "GSEXX" usrsub_der2_name = "GSEXU" usrsub_der3_name = "GSEYX" /> <Force_StateEqn id = "301001" type = "USERSUB" x_array_id = "535050504" y_array_id = "535050508" u_array_id = "535050505" num_state = "2" num_output = "6" usrsub_param_string = "USER(1001,100.,0.31625,0.0004,1.,5.,5,3,0.5,0.3,0.)" usrsub_dll_name = "ms_csubdll" usrsub_fnc_name = "YFOSUB" is_static_hold = "FALSE" i_marker_id = "30101020" j_floating_marker_id= "30102020" ref_marker_id = "30102020" /> |
See Also: |