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/IMPL/NONLIN - Nonlinear Implicit Solution


Nonlinear implicit methods.



L_A    Itol    Toli    Tolj    Tolk




Nonlinear solver method

= 0: set to 1

= 1: Modified Newton method

= 2: BFGS Quasi-Newton method


Maximum iteration number of stiffness matrix updates

= 0: set to 3, if iterative solver and set to 6 if direct solver


Termination criteria

= 0: set to 2

= 1: relative residual in energy

= 2: relative residual in force

= 3: relative residual in displacement

=12: relative residual in energy and in force

=13: relative residual in energy and in displacement

=23: relative residual in force and in displacement

=123: relative residual in force, energy and in displacement

Toli ... Tolj ... Tolk

When (Itol = 1, 2, 3), tolerance for termination


= 0 (default): set to 1.0e-3 for energy or displacement (Itol = 1, 3); set to 5.0e-3 for force (Itol = 2)

When (Itol = 12, 13, 23) two tolerances for termination

Toli Tolj

=0.0 0.0 (default): set to 1.0e-3 for energy; to 1.0e-2 for force and 1.0e-2 for displacement

When (Itol = 123) three tolerances for termination

Toli Tolj Tolk

=0.0 0.0 0.0 (default): set to 1.0e-3 for energy; to 1.0e-2 for force and 1.0e-2 for displacement


1.For static implicit computation, the loading should be defined as monotonous, increasing time function to better manage the convergence.
2.Order of input tolerance is according to the Itol value with 1: energy; 2: force; and 3: displacement.

Example: Itol = 23, the order is Tolerance in force and Tolerance in displacement.

See Also:

Implicit Finite Element Analysis

Example 16 - Dummy Positioning