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Expanded Error Message File

Expanded Error Message File

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Expanded Error Message File

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OptiStruct Expanded Error Message files may be used to expand the error and warning messages for the OptiStruct. The error and warning messages can be customized, so that they are more meaningful and informative for you and others in your organization. The Expanded Error Message file must be named optistruct_err.msg.

The file contains an expanded message for each message you wish to expand. If the same message is expanded in multiple files, then all expansions will be printed. The expanded error message is printed only for the first instance of the error.

The format of the file is to have four asterisks left-justified on a line followed by the error number to be expanded. The next lines contain the expanded error message. An example for error 9009 and 9008 are below. The order of the error message numbers does not matter.


**** 9009

This error usually happens when there is not enough room on the disk, but it can happen also when one of the output files does not have write permissions for the current user, or when the directory assigned for output or temporary files does not exist, does not have write permission or is located on a read-only filesystem (e.g. on a CD). Please check following cards: OUTFILE, TMPDIR, EIGVSAVE, ASSIGN, or the command line arguments. Note that TMPDIR may be located in any of config files, and (on Unix) the filenames may be affected by Dos_drive conversion (e.g. DOS_DRIVE_n environment variable).


**** 9008

This error usually happens when the input file name is mistyped, either on a command line or on any of following cards: INFILE, INCLUDE, EIGVNAE, RESTART, LOADLIB, ASSIGN. It can also happen if the user does not have read permission to an input file, or to any directory on a path leading to the input file.

hmtoggle_plus1File Location

The expanded error message file allows default settings to be established on four different levels:

1.System level
If an expanded error message file is located in the ${ALTAIR_HOME}/hwsolvers directory, the expanded error messages defined in this file are added to all solver runs.
An expanded error message file is included in the installation at this location. This file contains samples of expanded messages. This file may be used as a template for all expanded error message files.
If the ${ALTAIR_HOME} environment variable is not set, the expanded error message file at this location will not be used.
2.Corporate level
If an expanded error message file is located in the ${HW_CORPORATE_CUSTOMIZATION_DIR} directory, the expanded messages defined in this file are added to the system expanded messages.
If the ${HW_CORPORATE_CUSTOMIZATION_DIR} environment variable is not set, the expanded error message file at this location will not be used.
3.Group level
If an expanded error message file is located in the ${HW_GROUP_CUSTOMIZATION_DIR} directory, the expanded error message defined in this file are added to the system and corporate messages.
If the ${HW_GROUP_CUSTOMIZATION_DIR} environment variable is not set, the expanded error message file at this location will not be used.
4.User level
If an expanded error message file is located in the ${HOME} directory, the expanded error messages defined in this file are added to the system, corporate and group expanded error messages.
If the ${HOME} environment variable is not set, the expanded error message file at this location will not be used. This variable is normally set for UNIX and Linux operating systems to point to a user's home directory, but it may vary for different versions of the Windows operating system.