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hmtoggle_plus1Finite Element Analysis
Structural Analysis
-Linear Static Analysis
-Linear Buckling Analysis
-Small Displacement Nonlinear Analysis
-Large Displacement Nonlinear Static Analysis
-Geometric Nonlinear Analysis (RADIOSS Integration)
-Normal Modes Analysis
-Frequency Response Analysis
-Complex Eigenvalue Analysis
-Random Response Analysis
-Response Spectrum Analysis
-Transient Response Analysis
Thermal Analysis
-Linear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis
-Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis
-Nonlinear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis
-Contact-based Thermal Analysis
Acoustic Analysis
-Coupled Frequency Response Analysis of Fluid-Structure Models
-Radiated Sound Analysis
Fatigue Analysis
-Stress-Life method
-Strain-Life method
Rotor Dynamics
Fast equation solver
-Sparse matrix solver
-Iterative PCG solver
-Lanczos eigensolver
-SMP parallelization
-SPMD parallelization
-DMIG input
-AMLS Interface
-FastFRS Interface
Advanced element formulations
-Triangular, quadrilateral, first and second order shells
-Laminated shells
-Hexahedron, pyramid, tetrahedron first and second order solids
-Bar, beam, bushing, and rod elements
-Spring, mass, and damping scalar elements
-Mesh independent gap and weld elements
-Rigid elements
-Concentrated and non-structural mass
-Direct matrix input
Geometric element quality check
Local coordinate systems
Multi-point constraints
Contact, tie interfaces
Prestressed analysis
Linear-elastic materials
Nonlinear materials
Material consistency checks
Ground check for unintentionally constrained rigid body modes.
hmtoggle_plus1Modeling Techniques
Parts and Instances
Subcase Specific Modeling
Direct Matrix Input (Superelements)
-Direct Matrix Input
-Creating Superelements
-Component Dynamic Analysis
Flexible Body Generation
Poroelastic Materials
hmtoggle_plus1Multi-body Dynamics
Solution sequences
-Flexible body generation in using the CMS modeling technique, integrated with multi-body analysis if the model is set up in OptiStruct.
Constraints (between any body, flexible, or rigid)
-Joints: Ball (spherical), free, fixed, revolute, translational, cylindrical, universal, planar, at-point, in-plane, parallel-axes, orient, perpendicular-axes, constant velocity, and in-line.
-Higher-pair joints: point-to-curve, point-to-surface, curve-to-curve, curve-to-surface, and surface-to-surface constraints.
-Motions (Joint and Marker)
-Initial velocities (Body and Joint)
Function Expressions
General optimization problem formulation for all optimization types
-Response based
-Equation utility
-Interface to external user-defined routines
-Minmax (maxmin) problems
-System identification
-Continuous and discrete design variables
Solution sequences for optimization
-Linear static
-Normal modes
-Linear buckling
-Quasi-static nonlinear (gap/contact)
-Frequency response (modal method with residual vectors)
-Acoustic response
-Random response
-Linear steady-state heat transfer
-Coupled thermo-mechanical
-Multi-body dynamics
Responses for optimization
-All optimization types:
-Compliance index
-Volume fraction
-Mass fraction
-Center of gravity
-Moments of inertia
-Buckling factor (with limitations in topology/free-size optimization)
-Fatigue life/damage
-User-defined responses
-Size, shape, free-shape, and topography optimization:
(In problems with topology/free-size design domains, these responses can be used in the non-design domain)
-Composite stress, strain, and failure (linear static analysis only)
Automatic selection of best optimization algorithm
-Optimality criteria method
-Convex approximation method
-Method of feasible directions
-Sequential quadratic programming
-Advanced approximations
Automatic selection of best method for design sensitivity analysis
-Direct method
-Adjoint variable method
Topology, free-size, topography, size, shape, and free-shape optimization problems can be solved simultaneously
Multi-disciplinary optimization using combinations of the supported solution sequences
Mode tracking
hmtoggle_plus1Topology Optimization
Generalized optimization problem formulation
Multiple load cases with different solution sequences in combination
Global von Mises stress constraint for static loads
Density method
1D, 2D, and 3D elements in the design space
Non-design space can contain any element type and response
Extensive manufacturing control:
-Minimum member size control to avoid mesh dependent results
-Maximum member size control to avoid large material concentrations
-Draw direction constraints
-Extrusion constraints
-Pattern grouping
-Pattern repetition
-Multiple symmetry planes
Checkerboard control
Discreteness control
Smoothing and geometry generation for 3D results
hmtoggle_plus1Free-Size Optimization
Generalized optimization problem formulation
Multiple load cases with different solution sequences in combination
Global von Mises stress constraint for static loads
Shell element thickness and composite ply-thickness design variables
Non-design space can contain any element type and response
Extensive manufacturing control:
-Minimum member size control to avoid mesh dependent results
-Maximum member size control to avoid large material concentrations
-Draw direction constraints
-Extrusion constraints
-Pattern grouping
-Pattern repetition
-Multiple symmetry planes
hmtoggle_plus1Topography Optimization
Shape optimization for shells with automated design variable definition
Easy set up with one DTPG card
Extensive bead pattern control to allow for manufacturing constraints
-Pattern grouping
-Pattern repetition
-Multiple symmetry planes
-Discreteness control
hmtoggle_plus1Size Optimization
Shell, rod, and beam properties can be designed
Spring and concentrated mass properties can be designed
Composite ply thickness and ply angle can be designed
Material properties can be designed
Continuous and discrete design variables
hmtoggle_plus1Shape Optimization
Perturbation vector approach
Shape functions are defined through DVGRID cards
Continuous and discrete design variables
hmtoggle_plus1Free-shape Optimization
Perturbation vector approach
Automatic generation of perturbation vectors
Reduction of stress concentrations
hmtoggle_plus1Structural Optimization in Multi-body Dynamics Systems
Equivalent Static Load (ESL) method
Size, shape, free-shape, topology, topography, free-size, and material optimization of flexible bodies in multi-body dynamics systems
Generalized optimization problem definition
Large number of design variables and constraints
Fully supported in HyperMesh and MotionView
Nastran type input format
-Direct output of H3D format for model and results
-Direct output for iteration history
-Export of iso-density surface in STL format
-Iteration history graphs
-Sensitivity bar charts
-Complex frequency response displacement, velocity, and acceleration plots for up to 500 nodes
-Random response PSD and auto/cross correlation of displacement, velocity, and acceleration
-Transient response displacement, velocity, and acceleration time history plots for up to 500 nodes
-Bar chart for effective mass
HTML report
-Model summary
-Model and result displayed using HyperView Player
-Direct binary result file output
Microsoft Excel
-Design sensitivities for size and shape variable approximations
Support of Nastran Punch and OP2 output formats

See Also:
