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<Real or NO_GE>

No default

The real value of GE_MOD overrides the value of GE specified in all MATx material data, sets the table ID for GE on the MATTx material data to zero, and overrides the value of GE specified on the PCOMP, PCOMPP, and PCOMPG data. GE_MOD can be set to 0.0 to remove all material-based structural damping from the model. The damping from PARAM, G will also be applied when GE_MOD is present.

NO_GE is used to remove all structural damping from the model. When NO_GE is specified, the value of GE will be set to zero on all MATx material data and the GE values specified in the CELAS2, PELAS, PELAST, PBUSH, PBUSHT, PCOMP, PCOMPP, and PCOMPG data will also be set to zero. In addition, the table ID for GE on MATTx material data will be set to zero. PARAM, G can be used to set the value to a constant value for the entire structure.

Note:PARAM, GFL should be used to replace the GE field on Fluid Material entries (MATx) instead of PARAM, GE_MOD.