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Integer ≥ -1

Default = -1

Accepts either single integer input (GID) or multiple real values (X,Y,Z).


If = -1, no output from grid point weight generator.

If = 0, the center of gravity coordinates are relative to the origin of the basic coordinate system and are expressed in the coordinate system CID.

If > 0, the center of gravity coordinates are relative to GID and are expressed in the coordinate system CID.


The center of gravity coordinates are relative to <X,Y,Z> and expressed in the coordinate system CID.


1.The coordinate system CID is defined by PARAM, UCORD.
2.If PARAM, UCORD is not specified, CID = -1, or CID given is not found, all values are calculated relative to the basic coordinate system.
3.If PARAM, GRDPNT is not specified in the input deck, then the center of gravity and moment of inertia are not output regardless of the value of PARAM, UCORD.
4.The values of PARAM, GRDPNT and PARAM, UCORD do not affect the output of Center of Gravity and Mass Moment of Inertia output in OUTPUT, MASSPROP.
5.If GID > 0, but the grid point is not found in the model, the center of gravity coordinates are relative to the origin of CID defined by PARAM, UCORD.
6.If the mass property is coupled due to inconsistent scalar mass, a Warning (No. 5606) with the corresponding coupling ratio will be printed to the .out file. In such situations, the output is provided in the principal directions.
7.Output with this PARAM is calculated based on mass matrix and the mesh dependent. On the other hand, the inertia calculated in optimization or OUTPUT,MASSPROP is done with proper integration for each element.



No default