HyperWorks Solvers

Running MotionSolve at the Command Prompt

Running MotionSolve at the Command Prompt

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Running MotionSolve at the Command Prompt

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Included in MotionSolve is a script which runs all three MotionSolve modules in sequence to solve the multi-body model and produce result files.  On Windows, this script is called motionsolve.bat and is located in the folder [install-path]\hwsolvers\scripts. You can use this script to run MotionSolve at the command prompt as follows.

1.For Windows, open a DOS prompt to obtain the command window.
2.At the command prompt, type:

[install-path]\hwsolvers\scripts\motionsolve.bat input_filename.[fem,acf,xml].

The input can be an OptiStruct bulk data file, in which case the extension does not matter.  The input may also be an ADAMS input file, in which case the ACF filename should be supplied.  The first line of the ACF file must contain a reference to the ADM file.  Finally, the input may also be a MotionSolve XML file.

To get a description of all possible command line options, type the following at the command prompt:

motionsolve –help

The -delay option delays the start of a MotionSolve run for the specified number of seconds. This functionality does not use licenses, computer memory or CPU before the start of the run (the delay expires).


The –delay option can only be used for a single job. Delays cannot be scheduled for multiple jobs in a queue.
If the run is started using the HW Solver Run Manager (GUI), the Schedule delay option should be used.

Alternatively, you can also run MotionSolve via an executable, mbd_d.exe. The advantage of this method is that you can specify the MotionSolve environment variables directly, which you cannot when using motionsolve.bat.  Usually, calling motionsolve.bat is the preferred method to run MotionSolve from command line.

On Windows, mbd_d.exe is located in the folder: [install-path]\hwsolvers\motionsolve\bin\<platform>.

To run these modules, you usually need the following environment variables set:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Only on Linux machines)

See the MotionSolve Environment Variables for more information.

See Also:

Input and Output File Formats

MotionSolve Modules

Running MotionSolve Using the Windows Start Menu

Graphical User Interfaces - HyperMesh and MotionView

Using the ADAMS Dataset Language Input with MotionSolve