::hwat::core::InferAssemScanHMAssems - Scans a model to find if the assemblies in the passed Tcl list exist in the model. The function looks for HM assemblies with the same name as the assemblies in the list. Those assemblies in the list without a corresponding HM assembly are put on the "missing" list.
InferAssemsScanHMAssems list_of_assemblies
list_of_assemblies |
A Tcl list of assembly names to look for. |
A Tcl list of the form {FOUND {A_PILLAR B_PILLAR} NOTFOUND {C_PILLAR} USER {MIDRAIL_L MIDRAIL_R}} which is compatible with the array "set" command, f successful, {} if unsuccessful.
::hwat::core::InferAssemsScanHMAssems [list A_PILLAR B_PILLAR C_PILLAR]