::hwat::solver::InferAssemsScanDynaParts - This function examines the component name and title card for a sub-string match to the given assembly name. If a match is found, this component is added to a newly created assembly with the same name given in the list.
InferAssemsScanDynaParts list_of_assemblies
list_of_assemblies |
A Tcl list of assembly names which could not be found by the InferAssemsScanHMAssems, InferAssemsScanEntitySets search functions. |
A Tcl list of the form {FOUND {A_PILLAR B_PILLAR} NOTFOUND {C_PILLAR}} if successful, {} if unsuccessful.
::hwat::solver::InferAssemsScanDynaParts [list A_PILLAR B_PILLAR C_PILLAR]