::hwat::utils::CreateSidePole - Creates a rigid pole for side impact.
::hwat::utils::CreateSidePole name template jNode jHeightVehicle assemName dummyHeadCGnode gap diameter height
name |
The name of the rigid pole. |
template |
The location of the template file. |
jNode |
The ID of the JNode. |
jHeightVehicle |
The true J height of the vehicle. |
assemName |
The name of the HWAT door assembly. |
dummyHeadCGnode |
The ID of the dummy head CG node. |
gap |
The gap between the barrier and the vehicle. |
diameter |
The diameter of the rigid pole. |
height |
The height of the rigid pole. |
The ID of the pole if successful, {} otherwise.
::hwat::utils::CreateSidePole "Pole" "D:/Altair/templates/feoutput/ls-dyna/dyna.key" 42758 100.0 "DOOR" 10122 10 250 600.
The HWAT door assembly is slaved to the rigid pole.