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Coding Conventions

Coding Conventions

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Coding Conventions

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HWAT coding conventions and function headers

1.All lines should be terminated with a semi-colon ";", C-Style.
2.Namespaces are all lowercase and begin with "::".
3.Function names use Hungarian notation and start with an uppercase letter.
4.Variable names use Hungarian notation and start with lowercase letter.
5.Variable names use following prefixes:


For Widgets:

< Parameter>

























For data types

< Parameter>











"arr_", since it may contain more than one data type.


For list variables: Append "List" to the variable name (n_myIDList).

For return variables: Use "retval" as the variable name regardless of data type.

6.All functions will return 1 or any meaningful value for success or partial success, "null" for a program failure (this means the function is writing an error message) i.e. return {}.  The function can also return {}.  If an API function it calls returns {}, in this case, it does not need to write an error message.
7.All functions within namespaces must conform to style A, and not style B:

a.        Namespace eval ::hwat::util {};

proc ::hwat::utils::MyProc {n_intArg d_floatArg} {

puts "hello world";

return 1;


b.        Namespace eval ::hwat::util {

proc ::hwat::utils::MyProc {n_intArg d_floatArg} {

puts "hello world";

return 1;


# end namespace


8.The function ::hwat::utils::WriteErrorMessage will be used to post error messages to the message box.
9.If the hwat::globals::DEBUG variable is set to 1, the function ::hwat::utils::WriteDebugMessage will be used to post debug messages to the message box. Use ::hwat::utils::SetDebugOnOff to set the debug variable.
10.The function ::hwat::utils::PostToMessageBox will post messages to the message box in HyperWorks or post messages in a Tk message box in HyperMesh.

The following function header must be used with the following rules:

1.One argument per line.
2.The LAST person to modify should be first in the Author list.
3.Everything that begins with "##"  and keyword "proc" will be parsed, so begin all other comments with a single "#".
4.If needed, have a more detailed description for developers after the headers and starting with "#".
5.If a change is made to the procedure just overwrite the info in the header instead of appending to it.


## Procedure name:

## ::vcl::utils::GetXYZFromTag


## Description:

## Returns the coordinates of the node with the given tag.


## Arguments:

## Tag = Keyword "TAG:" followed by the tag name (ex. "TAG: J_Node").

## Poo = some other argument, just to make my point.


## Returns:

## A Tcl list containing the x, y and z coordinates of the node if successful,

## {} if unsuccessful.


## Comments:

## Where's the beef?


## Author:

## Girish Deshmukh, Shawn Freeman


## Last updated:

## 02/28/2003




## UAT

## Test Procedure:

## 1. Create Tag on a node in HM

## 2. Verify Tagged nodes X/Y/Z location using HM

## 3. Call this function with the Tag name as the argument


## Success:

## Returns the X/Y/Z location of the node which you tagged


## Failure:

## Case 1 – passing in a Tag name that contains a space or other special character

## Result 1 – function cannot find Tagged node and should return {} gracefully

## Case 2 – Tag does not exist in session

## Result 2 - function cannot find Tagged node and should return {} gracefully

