The following H3D Validation Tools are available in HyperWorks:
NAMEh3dInfo.exe LOCATIONHW installation at <hw_root>/io/result_reader/bin/<platform>/h3dInfo.exe DESCRIPTIONPrints a brief file summary. The summary contains the following information: the file format version, data from the file Information block (file author application, original source model data filename, original source result filename, comments), and the model entity count info (number of assemblies, parts, elements, nodes, systems, …). EXAMPLEh3dInfo [options] [input H3D filename] [output filename] options: -summary, list number of entites. -xml <filename>, writes XML content to named file.
input H3D filename: (required argument) output filename: output appended to filename, when omitted, listing displays on screen. |
NAMEh3dValidate.exe LOCATIONHW installation at <hw_root>/io/result_reader/bin/<platform>/h3DValidate.exe DESCRIPTIONPrints a validation report of a specified file. The High Level validation means that only first level entity validation is done (referenced entity IDs are not validated). For example, an FE element must reference nodes - therefore high level validation will only check the element ID and ID pool assignment, but not if the referenced node IDs are valid. EXAMPLEh3dValidate [option] [input H3D filename]
option: -error, determines the messages based on their severity level
(default) Displays all error and warning messages -error Suppress warning messages
input H3D filename: (required argument)
All output streams to stdout.