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HgTrans GUI

HgTrans GUI

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HgTrans GUI

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The HgTrans GUI translates solver results files to Altair Binary Format (ABF) files.  The HgTrans GUI is designed to work with all supported HyperGraph reader internal functions and registered functions.


HgTrans interface

File menu

Click the file open icon, fileOpen-24, to select the file to be translated.

From the File menu, select Open Result File... to open one of the following file types:

Supported file types include:

*.abf (Altair Binary Format)
*.dat (Column Data)
*.h3d (Altair H3D)
*.res (HyperMesh Results)
*.odb (ABAQUS ODB)
*.op2 (NASTRAN/OptiStruct OP2)

When you load a file, HgTrans lists some basic information on the file, such as the first and last data points, and how many requests are detected, for example.  That information is listed under the file type (Subcase, Data Type, Request, or Component).

From the File menu, select Open Config File... to open a config file of type *.tcl.

From the File menu, select Save Config File... to saves a config file for batch mode or HgTrans GUI translations.


Displays the list of the available subcases contained in the file.

Data Type

Displays the list of data types contained in the file.


Displays the list of requests available from the intersection of the selected data types in the file.


Displays the list of components available.


You can filter file data in the Subcase, Data Type, Request, or Component areas in the HgTrans interface. Wildcards are available to help you filter large amounts of data.  If more than 10,000 entries are detected, the list is turned off for performance, as indicated in the image below:




Use the asterisk,*, to represent an arbitrary number of arbitrary characters. For example, if you enter *123, HgTrans displays all entries that end in "123".


Sample of entries returned using the wildcard *.

You can also use two asterisks on both ends of an entry, for example *44*, to search inside a request.


Sample of entries returned using the *xx* pattern



Use the question mark, ?, for exactly one arbitrary character.  For example, if you enter *4?123, HgTrans returns all entries that have any number between the 4 and 123, such as 43123, 44123, 45123, and so on.


Sample of entries returned using the ? wildcard



Press ENTER in an empty filter to see all result data in the file.

Note   This can take a significant amount of time, depending on the file size.



Right-click on the chevron icon, chevron_icon, to display the selection type menu.  You can use this menu to select all items in the list, none of the items, or reverse the current selections in your list.

checkboxSelectAll-16 - Selects all entries in the list.

checkboxUnselectAll-16 - Deselects the currently selected entries in the list.

checkboxSelectReverse-16 - Exchanges the currently selected entries for the unselected entries in the list.



By default, Every is set to 1 each piece of data is used in the translation.  To change the frequency of data used, enter a number in the Every field.  For example, if Every is set to 2, every other piece of data is used in the translation.



Converts msec to sec or sec to msec.

Math Expression

Applies basic math of similar data types to the selected channels.  Basic math is math that is considered applied to similar data types across selected channels.  For example, scaling all displacement values.  If you want to switch the units from millimeters to meters, then your math function would be *.001.  Math expressions are difficult to manage from this location, which makes providing errors difficult.  You should check working expressions first using TextView to evaluate the expressions.


Vector =        

Enter a math expression in this field.


Insert Option        

Math options.

Time: Inserts an internal Templex representation of Time (t).
Vector: Inserts an internal Templex representation of Vector (v).
Function: Inserts basic HyperGraph functions to be applied to the data.


Displays the Save file dialog. Enter the name of the file and the save location.

hmtoggle_arrow1To translate a file using full conversion:
1.Open HgTrans.
2.Click the File open icon to select a supported result reader file (*.d3plot, H3D, .res, .odb) to translate.
3.Verify that all options are selected.
4.Click Translate.
5.Open the ABG file in HyperGraph 2D.
6.Review that all Y data types selected are displayed in the Y Type list.
7.Review that all Y requests selected are displayed in the Y Request list.
8.Review that all Y components selected are displayed in the Y Components list.
9.With the original results' files, cross check some of the results with the newly created ABF file in HyperGraph.


hmtoggle_arrow1To translate a file using partial or single Data Type Conversion:
1.Open HgTrans.
2.Click the File open icon to select a supported result reader file (*.d3plot, H3D, .res, .odb) to translate.
3.Select only a few options from the following categories: Subcase, Data Type, Request, Component.
4.Click Translate.
5.Open the ABF file in HyperGraph 2D.
6.Review that the Subcase, Data Type, Request and Component options selected are the only ones that show up in their respective lists.
7.With the original results' files, verify some of the results with the newly created ABF file in HyperGraph to confirm that the selected types, requests, and components are the only data in the file.  The values should also be checked.


hmtoggle_arrow1To translate a file using full conversion and a pre-saved config file:
1.Open HgTrans.
2.Click the File open icon to select a supported result reader file (*.d3plot, H3D, .res, .odb) to translate.
3.Verify that all options are checked.
4.From the File menu, select Save Config file….
5.Exit HgTrans.
6.Open HgTrans.
7.From the File menu, select Open Config file….
8.Click Translate.
9.Open the ABF file and the original results file in HyperGraph 2D.
10.Review that all of the Y data types selected are displayed in the Y Type List.
11.Review that all of the Y requests selected are displayed in the Y Request list.
12.Review that all of the Y components selected are displayed in the Y Components List.
13.With the original results' files, verify some of the results with the newly created ABF file in HyperGraph.


hmtoggle_arrow1To translate a file using partial or single Data Type Conversion and a pre-saved config file:
1.Open HGTrans.
2.Click the File open icon to select a supported result reader file (*.d3plot, H3D, .res, .odb) to translate.
3.Check only a few options from each: Subcase, Data Type, Request, Component.
4.From the File menu, select Save Config file….
5.Exit HgTrans.
6.Open HGTrans.
7.From the File menu, select Open Config file….
8.Click Translate.
9.Open the ABF file in HyperGraph 2D.
10.Verify that the Subcase, Data Type, Request and Component options selected are the only ones that show up in their respective lists.
11.With the original results' files, verify some of the results with the newly created ABF file in HyperGraph 2D and confirm that the selected types, requests, and components are the only data in the file.  The values should also be checked.
hmtoggle_arrow1To translate a file using single Data Type Conversion with Time/Freq and Math Expression:
1.Open HGTrans.
2.Open a *.d3plot file to translate.
3.Check only Disp > N1 > Mag.
4.Under Math Expression, in the Vector = field, enter 2*p1w1c1.y  (Time/Freq data).
5.Click Translate.
6.Open the *.d3plot file in HyperGraph 2D.
7.Plot Disp > N1 > Mag.
8.Open the Define Curves panel.
9.Add a math curve using the equation x= p1w1c1.x & y= 2*p1w1c1.y.
10.Open the ABF file in HyperGraph 2D plot the curve and compare.


See Also:

HgTrans Batch Mode

HgTrans Config File Example

HgTrans Config File Example with Tcl Logic