Many applications will require you to add new items to the menubar or toolbar, both of which can be modified in the designer mode. From Tools, select Template preferences, then Menubar/Toolbar. There you will be able to:
• | Rename any of the out of the box menu/toolbar items. |
• | Suppress any of the out of the box menu/toolbar items. |
• | Add a new menu/toolbar item. |
Any bean can programmatically add themselves as a listener (via the IHWMMenuToolbarCustomizer interface) to the new menu/toolbar item. The bean will then implement the actionPerformed for the new menu/toolbar item.
* This method is called by the HWPM engine to set the interface with
* which a bean can communicate directly with the HWPM classes.
* @param hwmFrameWork The interface with which a bean can
* communicate with HWPM.
public void SetFrameWork(IHWMFrameWork hwmFrameWork)
m_hwmFrameWork = hwmFrameWork;
IHWMDataModel hwmDataModel = m_hwmFrameWork.GetDataModel();
// Add self as listener to any datamodel property change
//Setup callback hookup to my MenuItem
IMenuToolBarCustomizer hwmMenuToolBarCustomizer =
JMenu menu = hwmMenuToolBarCustomizer.GetMenu("My Menu");
if (menu != null)
JMenuItem menuItem;
for (int nIndex=0; nIndex<menu.getItemCount(); nIndex++)
menuItem = menu.getItem(nIndex);
String strActionCommand = menuItem.getActionCommand();
if (menuItem.getActionCommand().
compareToIgnoreCase("My Test Item") == 0)
menuItem.setEnabled(true); //IMPORTANT: MUST DO THIS
menuItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent)
} //if (menuItem.getActionCommand().compareToIgnoreCase(...)
} //for (int nIndex=0; nIndex<menu.getItemCount(); nIndex++)
} //if (menu != null)