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Turn on/off to enable the H3D compression option.

Maximum % loss indicates the suggested amount that the model's values can be perturbed when compressed.  The value you provide for maximum % loss will be compared to the results of an error estimation function to allow our compression algorithm to maintain an acceptable level of accuracy for your data.  However, even a percentage of zero may result in some loss due to minute rounding errors.

Include model with translated results

Enable this option to include the model data.  Select From result file or From input deck.

In addition to providing model information directly from the result files, you can also import your solver input deck for model information.  If the input deck is created from HyperMesh, the component and assembly information is preserved as it is in HyperMesh.

The following file types are supported:

ABAQUS input file (*.inp)

ANSYS input file (*.cdb)

LS-DYNA input file (*.k, *.dyn, *.bdf)

NASTRAN/OptiStruct input file (*.bdf, *.dat, *.fem)

PAM-CRASH input file (*.pc, *.dat)

RADIOSS Block Format file (*.D00).


See Also:


Result Types, Entity with Layers, Result Components, and Model Components