HyperWorks Tools

To Translate a Solver Result File to an H3D File

To Translate a Solver Result File to an H3D File

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To Translate a Solver Result File to an H3D File

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1.From the File menu, select Open result file….
2.Select the solver result file you want to open.

The HvTrans dialog is populated with details pertaining to the first available subcase from the solver result file.

3.Select a subcase from the Current subcase combo box.
4.To change the subcases that are available in the combo box, click Subcase….

The Subcase… window is displayed.  This window lists the available subcases from the current result file.

Select or deselect the desired subcase(s).

Click select_all to select all subcases.
Click deselect_all to deselect all subcases.
Click reverse_selection_icon to select all deselected subcases and deselect all selected subcases.
Click Close to close exit the dialog.

The Current subcase combo box lists the selections made in the Subcase window.

5.Under Simulation, select By List or By Step and pick a simulation(s).
6.Under Result Types, select a result type(s).
7.Under Entity with layers, select the required layer(s).
8.Under Result Components, select the required result components(s).

When the All check box under the Result Components is selected, all the tensor results will be exported as tensor results into H3D.

When the All check box is unchecked, all the tensor results will be exported as scalar results into H3D.

9.Under Model Components, select the model component(s).
10.Under Options, select the options you want to apply to the translated file.
11.Click Translate.
12.Enter a file name in the Export file dialog and click Save.

An H3D file is created.