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Playing Videos

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For AVI files, MediaView supports these compression formats by default: MJPEG/MJPG, CVID (cinepak), uncompressed 24-bit color, RLE 8-bit color. An AVI file can contain many other compression formats, and it is possible that some of these formats will not play in MediaView, even if these files are playable in general media viewing tools.  There are an infinite number of these formats and we can not include all of the necessary compressor/decompressor modules (codecs) with MediaView for general and legal reasons.  It is possible that these and other file formats like WMV, MPG (MPEG), MP4, Media Encoder 64-bit, and so on, can be played in MediaView, but the required codec and possibly other components need to be installed on your system.  Most of codecs can be downloaded from the Internet.  If you have a video that does not play, please try to download the necessary codecs and install them separately.  MediaView can read most AVI files with newer codecs, such as Xvid, on Windows.  Most of the commercial media viewing tools are 32-bit applications installed on 64-bit platforms.  For the 64-bit version of MediaView, you will need to install commercial or open source 64-bit encoders such as ffdshow to ensure all necessary codecs are available.  To obtain the decoders for WMV formats, the Windows Media Encoder 64-bit can be installed from the download/support pages of the Microsoft Corporation.

hmtoggle_plus1Obtain a list of codecs installed on your Windows XP machine (varies among operating systems):
1.From the Start menu, select Control Panel.
2.From the Control Panel, select Sounds and Audio Devices.
3.From the Hardware tab, select Video Codecs from the list and click Properties.

Playing on Windows

Once you have installed the necessary codes, MediaView automatically detects the newly installed codec.  There is nothing else to do.

Playing on Linux

Once you have installed the necessary codes, you will need to edit the following file from your installation:


In this file, change the path of the ffmpeg_converter/ffmpeg to point to the location of the newly installed encoder.