MotionView User's Guide

HTire Parameters

HTire Parameters

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HTire Parameters

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The following topics list HTire parameters for all supported variants:

Parameters Common to all MF Variants

Additional Parameters for the MF1989 Variant

Additional Parameters for the MF2002 Variant

NoteMore parameters might be specified in the HTire data files; these data are used by customer-specific variants of HTire which are not documented here.

Both TeimOrbit and COSIN/io data files are subdivided into smaller entities, called sections for TeimOrbit files and data blocks for COSIN/io files. The sequence of these sections is arbitrary. Some of them, however, must appear in the data file, some others are optional. Each one of the following documentation sub-topics describes the contents of one such section.

When downloading FTire Tire Model Family software, sample data files are included for all supported tire model variants. These sample files can serve as a starting point for modifications.