MotionView User's Guide

Tire Lag and Relaxation Length

Tire Lag and Relaxation Length

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Tire Lag and Relaxation Length

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Both MF variants are completed with a non-linear first order transient force lagging approach. With the kind of non-linearity used, it is taken into account that the decrease in contact forces might take place faster than a respective increase. This effect introduces a certain frequency-dependency of the mean tire force decrease, if wheel load variations apply.

Mathematically, the non-linear tire lag is described by the following non-linear first order differential equation, used for side force, longitudinal force, and aligning torque:


The following parameters and signals are used here:

relaxation_length is the constant relaxation length
rolling_speed is the time dependent rolling speed
time_constant is the constant upper bound for the resulting time constant
reduction_factor is a reduction factor, describing the relation between time constant for force increase and time constant for force decrease
stationary_value is the stationary value of the respective force or torque (longitudinal force, side force, or aligning torque, respectively)
transient_value is the resulting transient value of this force or torque

See Also:

Modeling Approach