MotionView User's Guide

Introduction to HTire

Introduction to HTire

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Introduction to HTire

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The tire model HTire (Handling Tire Model) is another implementation of Pacejka’s famous Magic-Formula tire model (MF), completed with an efficient contact computation, interfaces to all COSIN road models, and certain model enhancements regarding combined slip and dynamic tire lag behavior.

Two variants of the Magic Formula approach are made available: the widely used 1989 version (MF89) and the most recent 2002 version (MF2002). The latter is comprehensively documented in chapter 4 of Pacejka’s famous textbook: Pacejka, H.B.: Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics. Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford 2002 (referred as [PAC] in the sequel). The cited book also contains the complete set of all equations implemented with the MF2002 horizontal forces sub-model.

HTire is meant to complete the FTire tire model family in situations where speed of computation is more important than accuracy in dynamic situations or prediction capabilities of a physically based tire model.