MotionView User's Guide

Introduction to RMOD-K Tire

Introduction to RMOD-K Tire

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Introduction to RMOD-K Tire

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RMOD-K tire is a series of mathematical tire and road models designed for predicting vehicle tire response and tire contribution to the overall vehicle response for a wide variety of operating conditions.  The topics in this section serve as a companion document to the RMOD-K tire manuals. The RMOD-K model manuals, along with their compiled html help, are available through their website at (after registering on the site).

The following Tire models are supported:

Rigid Belt Model (RFNRB)
Flexible Belt Model (DMRB)

Note        See the various manuals and online help available at for descriptions of the tire models.

Available .pdf manuals include:

Rigid belt Model (RFNRB)-Detailed manual
Flexible Belt Model- Detailed manual

Available online help:

The online help available via the RMOD-K website ( is highly recommended, and contains the following:

Installation instructions for the software
Online help for the two tire models (Rigid Belt and Flexible Belt)
Documentation for the road surface model
Documentation describing the tire parameter fitting tool
Papers describing the tire fitting process

Available RMOD-K Utilities:

A variety of utility programs are available to use with RMOD-K. These utilities include:  routines that build and correlate the tire model to measured data, a utility that will generate both a parameterized and a measured surface road model, and a utility to view the tire simulation after the model has been run.

Creating tire models:

The tire models are created by measuring a tire and going through a tire parameter identification process to create the model.  The model building process requires the following information about the tire:

General Tire Information (size, inflation pressure)
Tire Topology Data
Tire Force and Moment Measurements
Tire Cleat Force Measurements
Modal Information about the Tire
Miscellaneous Additional Data

Road Surface Models:

The RMOD-K package also allows you to incorporate two road surface models:

Parametric Object Model - The parametric object model road describes the initial road surface and then allows you to describe a series of parametric objects on the road.  Parametric objects include a spherical calotte, a cuboid with an optional chamfer, a triangle, and a cylinder.
Scanned Road Surface - A point cloud , a wavefront file, and a variety of other files can be used to generate road surface models from measured data.  Road surfaces can be measured using a road profilometer.

See Also:

T-Systems RMOD-K Tire Documentation

Altair RMOD-K Tire Documentation