MotionView User's Guide

User Written Tire and Road Models

User Written Tire and Road Models

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User Written Tire and Road Models

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The following topics explain the procedure to create a user defined model for use with MotionSolve.  User Written Tire models are implemented as user subroutines that compute the tire forces and moments, and the user road model is implemented as a subroutine that computes the road height at a given point.  Both the user defined tire and user defined road follow the established TYDEX standard.

User defined tire models can run along with road models provided with MotionSolve or it can run with a user defined road model.

Reasons for Writing Tire and Road Models

Tires and its interface with the road can be modeled in multiple ways and a lot of literature and models exist.  The Tire Data Exchange (TYDEX) is an accepted standard developed and unified by an international working group.  The user written tire models allow any tire model that conforms to this format to be used with multi-body dynamics simulation using MotionSolve.

User defined road models also conform with the above mentioned TYDEX standard which allows the user to simulate any road model that conforms to the standard.

Many commercially and openly available tire and road models are described in the TYDEX format and can be used with MotionSolve using this user written tire interface.

Skills Required

Users are expected to have an intermediate proficiency of using MotionView and MotionSolve.

Understanding of user defined entities of MotionSolve
Basic programming language (FORTRAN/C/C++)
Domain knowledge pertaining to tire mechanics, modeling, and interaction with the road
Understanding of usage exposed functions (API) from MotionSolve
Ability to compile and link to a MotionSolve subroutine
Access to a debugging environment would also be helpful

Software Required


See Also

Writing Tire Models

Writing Road Models

About TeimOrbit Files

Reading TeimOrbit Files