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Batch Conversion Tools

Batch Conversion Tools

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Batch Conversion Tools

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Batch mode conversion is available for all interfaces. To use batch mode conversion you must run a .tcl file in batch mode using hmbatch.exe.

Example: Sample .tcl File for Abaqus to Optistruct Conversion

When running this .tcl file in batch mode, use the following commands in Windows and Linux:

<altair_home>/hm/bin/<platform>/hmbatch.exe -tcl </home/user/my_script.tcl>

## Bath mode conversion for Abaqus to Optistruct

## Note - Please keep the source model and script in the same folder

## Please replace XXXXX with name of the source deck and the destination files.


set altairHome [ hm_info -appinfo "ALTAIR_HOME" ]

set scriptFolder [ file dirname [info script] ]


*templatefileset "${altairHome}/templates/feoutput/abaqus/standard.3d"



*feinputwithdata2 "#abaqus/abaqus" "${scriptFolder}/XXXX.inp" 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0


# *readfile "${scriptFolder}/"


*solverconvert "Abaqus" "optistruct" "Standard3D" "optistruct" "1"


hm_answernext "yes"

*createstringarray 1 "HM_NODEELEMS_SET_COMPRESS_SKIP "

*feoutputwithdata "${altairHome}/templates/feoutout/optistruct/optistruct" "${scriptFolder}/XXXX.fem" 0 0 2 1 1

hm_answernext "yes"