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Batch Model Check Run Dialog

Batch Model Check Run Dialog

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Batch Model Check Run Dialog

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This tool is designed to reduce the amount of manual work involved in performing a normal modes run to check out multiple modules by batch processing. It is invoked by clicking the modelCheckout-24 icon.                      


The dialog is divided into sections. The top section allows you to select the modules to include in the batch process, as well as the maximum frequency or the number of modes to extract for the normal modes checkout for each module. A Status column is provided to show information about the state of the job. The middle section provides analysis job related sections including the Job folder and any optional User comments. The bottom section allows you to select global analysis parameters that will be used to setup all checkout runs.            

Upon clicking Create job all model checkout jobs are created, and the Job Submission dialog opens. This dialog gives you options in submitting the jobs, or skipping the job submission step.



See Also:

NVH Application