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Boolean Operation

Boolean Operation

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Boolean Operation

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Boolean Operation is a useful utility to connect intersecting 2D elements. This tool works for triangular as well as quadrilateral elements. Several components\elements can be connected simultaneously. Components defined as master entities will be preserved. It is suggested that you ensure that 2D elements are properly intersecting.                                    

To access this utility, click Mesh > Boolean Operation from the menu bar.                  






All entities for Boolean

Select all components or elements that will be involved in the boolean operation.  

Entities defined that are not present in master entities to preserve are considered as slaves. If you define all entities for boolean as master entities to preserve, entities will intersect and connect components but will not remove any internal shells. The boolean operation will only remove internal shells if they are enclosed and if they belong to an entity not defined as master entities to preserve. If both of these conditions are not satisfied the internal shells will not be removed.  

Master entities to preserve

If you do not want to remove internal shells for specific components, select them using this option.      

Consider connected components as one shell

If you have components with open shells but they are connected to other components and create closed shells together, this option, if activated, will consider the closeness of the connected shells while deciding which internal shells will be removed.              

Keep intersect edges

If this option is activated, connection edges will be created.      

Local remesh at contacts

If this option is activated, elements will be remeshed near the intersection of inputs based on the defined parameters. In a case of tria element input, tria elements of first order will be remeshed. In a case of quad elements input, remeshing will be done with mixed elements.        

Number of layers

This parameter defines how many additional number of layers next to the intersect edge need to be remeshed.      

Feature angle

This parameter defines what the feature angle is for the remeshed elements to be captured.

Growth rate

This parameter defines what the growth rate will be for remeshing.


Start the boolean operation.  


Undo the boolean operation.


Close the dialog.



See Also:

Checking and Editing Mesh