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Comparison Tool

Comparison Tool

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Comparison Tool

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Use the Comparison tool to perform a model-based CAD-CAD, CAD-FE or FE-FE comparison between two models, or two selections of entities. You can also use this tool to find and report geometrical/shape differences. To access the Comparison tool, from the menu bar, click Geometry > Check > Surfaces > Comparison or click Mesh > Check > Elements > Comparison.

When you are comparing entities, the entities must exist in the HyperMesh database. The Comparison tool generates results by comparing the source entities to the target entities. Currently, only surfaces and 2D elements are supported in the Comparison tool. The results generated by this tool can be broken down into the following categories: Matched, Overlapped, Intersected, and Unmatched.

The Comparison dialog consists of four tabs:


Setup the comparison.


Control the comparison review mechanism options.


Review the area-based qualitative results for the comparison.


Create entity sets from the generated comparison results.