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Connector Entity Browser Configuration Window

Connector Entity Browser Configuration Window

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Connector Entity Browser Configuration Window

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To open the Browser Configuration dialog, right-click in the Connector Entity browser, and select Configure Browser from the context menu. Use the options in this dialog to select which columns to display in the browser, and change the way special tools, such as find twin connectors, operate.

hmtoggle_plus1greyLocal Options


Link Column Extended Information

When enabled, each link displays its link state (connect to mesh or geometry) and its reconnection rule (use ID, use name, or at fe realize). The reconnect rule is set when the connector is created, and determines what the connector will automatically try to reconnect with when a part is deleted and then replaced.

If the new part has the same part ID as the deleted one, then use ID will automatically reconnect.
If the new part has the same name as the deleted one, then use name will automatically reconnect.




Max Link Column Viewed

Regardless of how many links a connector might have, the browser will only display the specified number of columns.


Find Twin Connectors

Enables you to dictate the behavior of the find twin connectors tool.

Minimum two links: Only connectors with two or more matching links will be found.
Exact links: Only connectors with exactly the same links will be found. For example, if you start with a connector that has two links, then another connector with three links would not be found even if its first two links matched.


Filter View on Show/Isolate/Find (affects all views)

This filter is the only filter that works on both browser lists simultaneously. Once activated, when performing a show, isolate or find operation, the link entity list and the connector list are filtered down to the considered entities.

The example below displays the isolation of the windscreen components including their attached connectors.



The strings entered in the Query Builder (last_celink_review) and (last_ce_review) illustrate that the lists have been filtered. To remove the filter and display the full lists, click "x" on the right side of the Query Builder.

The last review filter can be reused in the Query Builder, and can also combined with other attribute filters. The image below displays a list of available filters for the connector list.


hmtoggle_plus1greyGlobal Options



Use this option in combination with the other view option toggle buttons and show, hide, isolate, or isolate only, or in combination with the advanced action buttons. After an action is performed, the newly found connectors and/or entities are placed in the middle of the screen. If this option is used in combination with one of the previously mentioned buttons, it works like a pure fit view.


In this example, the 1st connector and the link entity were Isolated with the fit view option.

Stripe background

Alternates the background colors of each line in the browser when selected.



See Also:

Query Builder