Engineering Solutions

Cylinder Bolts

Cylinder Bolts

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Cylinder Bolts

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This connection type is designed to simulate a bolted connection without the need for any holes in the adjoining shell parts.

The connection works by defining a projection diameter tolerance, two projection distance tolerances (L1 and L2) and a projection vector, which together determine which nodes will be considered for the connection.


There is then a simple RBODY connection from the center reference node of the connection.  There is also a secondary type that uses a spring between the RBODY ends; this spring length is user defined.


To create a cylinder bolt:

1.In the Bolt panel, select the bolt location, components to connect, Num Layers, and Tolerance as normal.
2.For Type =, select cylinder rigid or cylinder spring.
3.Select a cylinder direction vector option:
dynamic vector: normal projection to the furthest link will be used as the direction of the cylinder bolt
use existing vector: the existing vector associated with the connector will be used as the direction of the cylinder bolt; if it is absent, the result is the same as the option above
define a new vector: define a new vector from the vector definition item as the direction of the cylinder bolt
4.Input diameter, L1,and L2
If cylinder spring is selected, also specify Body length= .
5.Click Create.


See Also:

Bolt panel