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By Window

By Window

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By Window

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Use the Extended Entity Selection menu option By Window to create a window that can be used to select entities on your model.

The window must have at least three sides defined.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the By Window panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs




Create the window by picking points on the screen with your mouse cursor.


Indicate whether the window you build should include entities from the selection.

If you selected interior, all the entities within the window are selected.



Indicate whether the window you build should exclude entities from the selection.

If you selected exterior, all the entities outside the window are selected.


visible only

If disabled, only the visible elements inside of the selection window are taken into account. Visible means, that the element centroid is visible (for solids at least one faces centroid).

If enabled, all of the elements inside of the selection window are taken into account.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:



select entities

Select the entities shown in the graphics area.

reject entities

Reject the selection.

delete window

Delete the current window.


Exit the panel.


See Also:

extended entity selection menu

Alphabetical List of Panels