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Grid Attribs panel

Grid Attribs panel

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Grid Attribs panel

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Use the Grid Attributes panel to edit the grid line information contained in a plot.  The lines can be thick or thin, solid or dotted, and can be dense or fine, based on the increments you specify.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Grid Attribs panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



plot =

Click inside the text box to reveal a list of all plots in the model, then select the desired plot.

plots (collector)

Use this collector to select the desired plots from the graphics area.  This is an alternative to using the plot= input.

thin lines / thick lines

Toggle between using thin or thick lines for the plot.  Thick lines are more visible on high-resolution displays.

(line option switch)

The switch presents several different patterns to choose from for plot lines, including solid lines and no lines.

grid color

Pick a color to draw the grid lines in the plot.


The width of the margins around the plot.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




updates the selected plot(s) to use the current settings.

find curves

The find curves function lets you select a plot and determines the minimum and maximum values necessary to display all the curves on that plot.  The window is then set to that size.

circle zoom

The circle zoom function allows you to zoom in on an area of your plot.

zoom out

The zoom out function allows you to zoom out from a plot.


See Also:

Alphabetical List of Panels