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Axis Scaling panel

Axis Scaling panel

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Axis Scaling panel

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Use the Axis Scaling panel to modify plot axes.  You can change the current plot, or select and change multiple plots, if you want to update axes information on several plots.


Panel Usage

Use the Axis Scaling panel to:

Alter an axis range by setting the minimum and maximum x and y values.
Change the frequency of the grid lines and labeling.
Select a plot and use the find curves function to reset the axes’ ranges to display all the curves on that plot.
Zoom in on an area of your plot or to zoom out on a plot with the circle zoom and zoom out functions.


Any changes are made immediately to the current plot.  If you want to update several plots with the same values, use the update function after you have made the desired changes to the current plot.


Subpanels and Inputs

There are no subpanels on the Axis Scaling panel. All inputs and command buttons are located on the main panel.


Panel Inputs



plot =

Use this selector to select the plot in which you want to edit the axis label information.


Use this selector to pick multiple plots for which you wish to change the axis characteristics.

x: linear /
y: linear

Set the X and/or Y axes to use a linear scale.

xmin / ymin

Lower end of the range for the plot.

xmax / ymax

Upper end of the range for the plot.

x increment /
y increment

The desired value to change the increment between the vertical grid lines along the x axis, or along the horizontal grid lines for the y axis.

label every

Enter a value to designate how often the grid lines should be labeled.

x: logarithmic /
y: logarithmic

Set the X and/or Y axes to use a logarithmic scale.

grid labels per dec

Specify the number of grid labels per decade by clicking the switch and selecting the appropriate value:

1, 2, 5, or 9 for Logarithmic scales
1, 2, 4, 10, or 20 for Decibel scales

grid lines per dec:

Specify the number of grid labels per decade by clicking the switch and selecting the appropriate value:

1, 2, 5, or 9 for Logarithmic scales
1, 2, 4, 10, or 20 for Decibel scales

x: decibel /
y: decibel

Set the X and/or Y axes to use a decibel scale.


Command Buttons

The following action buttons appear:




Update the plots with the changed information.

find curves

Clicking this button will modify the axes' ranges so that displayed curves are not clipped.

circle zoom

Use this button to zoom in on a user-defined area of the plot.

zoom out

Zoom out on a plot.


Exit the panel.



See Also:

Alphabetical List of Panels