Engineering Solutions

HyperStudy Job Launcher

HyperStudy Job Launcher

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HyperStudy Job Launcher

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This utility can be used to launch a HyperStudy run from the Engineering Solutions environment, and can be invoked by clicking the clientHyperStudy-24 icon in the CFD toolbar.

Problem name

Define the problem name. Do not use spaces in the name.        

Study directory

Meshing, simulation files and files required to launch HyperStudy are located here (ACUSIM.DIR, HyperMesh.DIR, .inp, .arm, .bat, .shp, .xml, .mvw, .tpl).

No. of processors

The number of processors used for each run.  

Solver exec dir

Define the AcuSolve executable path. The path will be auto selected if the solver is available in the same installation path. If it is not available, the path will be blank. The path needs to point to the AcuSolve bin folder (/acusolve/win64/bin or /acusolve/linux64/bin).              

Study Type

Select either Shape optimization based or Solver parameter based.

Shape optimization based passes morphing relevant data to HyperStudy.    
Solver parameter based passes the relevant data of the solver parameter to HyperStudy.          


You can add multiple responses. The options are Mass Flux, Pressure, Total Pressure, X-velocity, Y-velocity, Z-velocity, X-traction, Y-traction and Z-traction. If you select any one of the above responses once they will not appear in the next response row.            


Filter out components that have only surface boundary conditions like Wall, Inflow, Outflow and Symmetry.


Add rows to the list of responses.


Delete the selected row of responses.  

Output format

Create output files for the last iteration of the simulation. The options are none, Table, CGNS, H3D-Single file, H3D Multi file, EnSight-Gold, EnSight-6 and Fieldview. If you select none, no output files will be created.  

Output time steps

There are two options available: Final and All. Selecting All creates an output file in user defined format with all of the time steps. This option is useful for a transient run. Selecting Final creates an output file in user defined format with only the final time step. This option should be utilized for a steady state run.      

Launch HyperStudy without nominal run

If this option is checked, an AcuSolve simulation will not run. HyperStudy will be launched with some set up.  

If disabled, the AcuSolve simulation will be run, all data will be extracted, and HyperStudy will be launched with the set up defined.

Export options

Always two layers for interfaces: Creates two interface layers between two volumes, if one or both are missing.  

Create exterior faces: Creates outer shell surface of volume if missing.

Always add elem type to comp names: Append element configuration at the component names.


Perform a test run to make sure that the CFD run is converging before sending it to HyperStudy.  


All files that are required to launch HyperStudy are exported. HyperStudy is launched by supplying .xml and .mvw files.


Closes the dialog.  

hmtoggle_plus1greyAcuSolve-HyperStudy Integration in Engineering Solutions
Note:These are the steps you have to perform to couple AcuSolve-HyperStudy in Engineering Solutions. Using the utility steps 4-10 will automatically be performed.              
1.Load a model into Engineering Solutions.    
2.Define the CFD parameters.
3.Create shapes and design variables in Engineering Solutions.
4.Export shape and design variables/parameters based on the Study Type you selected.
5.Export the model.
6.Run the initial case in AcuSolve.
7.Extract the output.
8.Create the .bat file according to executable paths, problem information and output.  
9.Open HyperStudy.
10.Set up the model.
11.Define the approaches.
12.Run the studies.

The following checks are introduced for proper functionality:    

For shapes and design variables
For an empty problem name
For an empty study directory path
For selecting entities for which response is desired
If AcuRun and HyperStudy executables are available


See Also:  

AcuSolve-HyperStudy Smooth Integration

HS-1535: Coupling HyperStudy, Morphing and AcuSolve (HyperStudy Job Launcher)