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Importing AcuSolve Results

Importing AcuSolve Results

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Importing AcuSolve Results

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Importing AcuSolve results can be achieved via the Native AcuSolve Result Reader (*.log), the EnSight format or H3D format.

AcuSolve results for steady state, transient and moving/deforming mesh analyses can be imported and post-processed using the AcuSolve Reader (*.log) in HyperView. All element types available in AcuSolve are supported by the AcuSolve direct results reader (*.log).    


Import via EnSight format: Using AcuOut (accessible via AcuConsole) to convert the native AcuSolve result files into EnSight format.


Import via H3D format: Using AcuOut to convert the native AcuSolve result files into H3D format.



See Also:

CFD Post-Processing